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Rancher Heriberto Urbina released

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Rancher Heriberto Urbina released

A humanitarian mission, made up of the Ombudsman’s Office and the Catholic Church, allowed the release of the elderly Heriberto Urbina, who had been detained by an illegal armed group in Curumaní (Cesar) on April 24.

The 86-year-old rancher and businessman, who had been in the power of his captors for about a month and a half, could have been the oldest person in captivity in the world, which clearly constituted a clear violation of his rights and a flagrant violation of International Humanitarian Law, said the Ombudsman’s Office.

“We welcome Mr. Urbina’s return to freedom and the fact that he can return to his home, safe and sound, after he was handed over to the humanitarian mission in the Catatumbo region,” said the Ombudsman. , Carlos Camargo Assis.

Likewise, the entity indicated that it will keep its humanitarian channels open and its teams arranged in all the territories of the national geography so that all the people deprived of their liberty by groups outside the law in Colombia can return, also with their integrity safeguarded. , to their homes and daily activities.

For his part, the Departmental Government Secretary, Eduardo Esquivel, said that after the liberation, Heriberto Urbina, was transferred to Chiriguaná, where he is from, in the company of the Army’s Tenth Brigade and the National Police.

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