Home » Hypothesis about the explosion of the Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipeline in the Baltic Sea

Hypothesis about the explosion of the Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipeline in the Baltic Sea

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Hypothesis about the explosion of the Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipeline in the Baltic Sea

Newspaper articles published in Europe and the United States allegedly do not provide definitive evidence on the authorship of the sabotage in the Baltic Sea of ​​the two gas pipelines that transported the gas sold by Russia to Germany since 2011, a corollary of the invasion of Ukraine ordered by Vladimir Putin on February 24, 2022. Moscow has proposed an “international investigation” Hypothesis on the explosion of the Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipeline in the Baltic Sea of ​​the attack (1), a formula that would implicitly reserve the power of veto for those who could investigate. At the same time, Germany, Sweden and Denmark, neighboring Baltic countries to the place of the event, jointly promote regular legal proceedings.

Who benefits from the crime motive?

The underwater blasting of the 2 “pipelines” took place on September 26, 2022, after the cessation due to a unilateral Russian decision to continue supplying gas to Germany through these routes, which occurred 24 days earlier, specifically on September 2, 2022. The agreement between both parties, stipulated that a claim for breach of contractual obligations should be resolved through a “commercial arbitration in Switzerland”, presumably rigged in the Canton of Zoug, jurisdiction preferred by Russia for its unspeakable Swiss financial maneuvers. (2) Once the material object of the contract is annihilated, the Kremlin will not be judicially obliged to indemnify Germany. Weeks after the sabotage, the Russian company that operated the gas pipeline declared bankruptcy. (3)

the american track

The American journalist Seymour Hersh published last year that “a source with knowledge of the operation” attributed the Washington government to having ordered its divers in June 2022 to “place the explosives” in the gas pipeline “during some exercises of NATO” The device would have been detonated by “the Norwegian Navy three months later”. However, the version lacks sufficient credibility, based only on an anonymous American source, a note exclusively supported by the author’s conjectural prestige. The White House denied the information. (4)

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The European plot

The Norwegian analyst Oliver Alexander revealed, consulting open electronic information on ship traffic in the area “in real time”, that around the day of the explosion, at a depth of 80 meters, it occurred between the sky and the sea. Baltic, a kind of maritime and air “traffic jam”. He confirmed the presence of “a Norwegian radar plane”, added to the “Denmark frigate Nym”, preceded by “several American ships”. Coincidentally, he detected several Russian ships, one of them equipped with a mini-submarine, “intended for evacuations of urgent luggage», and also «an articulated arm to move heavy loads». (5)

The Ukrainian denial

“Ukraine has nothing to do with the attacks on Nord Stream 2,” said Mykailo Podoliak, Ukraine’s presidential adviser. He did it to deny that President Volodymyr Zelensky was implicated in the scandal, “sending a command to end Germany’s dependence on Russian gas.” Podoliak denied allegations stemming from the discovery of gunpowder on a sailboat rented by a Polish company belonging, “apparently to two Ukrainians”, a sailboat domiciled in the German port of Rodstock, hanging around the area of ​​the explosion, with a member of his luggage using a fake Bulgarian passport. (6)

Washington’s veiled confirmation

However, the US newspaper Washington Post has just confirmed that, pressing government intelligence sources, it learned that “European officials in several countries quietly suggested that Ukraine was behind the attack, but resisted saying so publicly for fear that blaming Kiev could fracture the alliance against Russia.” The 2 journalists who wrote the note concluded that “the possible attackers of Nord-Stream 2 were not rogue agents. All involved reported to General Valerii Zaluzhnyi, the country’s highest-ranking military officer, who was put in charge so that Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky would not know of the operation, keeping him out of it”, thus giving “the Ukrainian leader a plausible way to deny involvement in a daring attack on civilian infrastructure that could spark public outrage and jeopardize Western support for Ukraine.” (7)

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(1) Le Temps, Suiza, March 9, 2023.

2) Pierre Servent, “Le monde de demain”, Editions Robert Laffont, France, November 2022. Funds of Russian origin blocked by Switzerland in compliance with coercive measures adopted by the European Union and the United States against Russia for its aggression against Ukraine , amounted in 2022 to around 7.5 billion dollars, affecting 1,239 people and 116 companies (https://www.swissinfo.ch/fre/toute-l-actu-en-bref/avoirs-russes- -7-5-milliards-de-francs-block%C3%A9s-en-suisse/48100882

(3) Le Point, France, April 27, 2023.

(4) El País, Madrid, February 25, 2022. Articles Le Temps and Le Point already cited.

(5) Le Point, France, April 27, 2023, cited above.

(6) Le Point, France, and Le Temps, Switzerland, cited above.

(7) Washington Post, United States, June 6, 2023.

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