Home » You don’t even have to get up: You can lose weight with four exercises – while lying down!

You don’t even have to get up: You can lose weight with four exercises – while lying down!

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You don’t even have to get up: You can lose weight with four exercises – while lying down!

Getting fit without getting up sounds too good to be true, but it can actually work. Read here which exercises can do this.

If you want to have a trained stomach, beautiful legs or just a healthy back, you have to do sports to strengthen your muscles.

However, it doesn’t always have to be an active standing workout. Pilates includes some exercises that can also be performed on the floor. We show four exercises with which you can train the whole body while lying down.

This is pilates

Pilates is a form of holistic body training. The aim is to improve strength, flexibility, posture and body awareness. Pilates training combines elements of gymnastics, yoga, ballet and various breathing techniques.

The main focus of Pilates is to strengthen the deep abdominal, back and pelvic floor muscles. Pilates is therefore suitable for people who want to improve or prevent back pain. These muscles are specifically activated and strengthened through special exercises.

Pilates also helps build muscle, improve flexibility and promote a strong core. Pilates can be practiced by people of all ages and fitness levels as the exercises can be customized to suit individual needs and abilities.

Effective full-body workout: Four Pilates exercises while lying down

With these four exercises you train the entire body – without getting up:

For buttocks and legs: glute bridges

  1. Lie on your back and bend your knees while your feet are flat on the floor. Feet should be about hip-width apart with toes pointing slightly outward.

  2. Extend your arms along your body and touch the floor with your palms.

  3. Engage your abs and keep your shoulders firmly on the floor for a stable position.

  4. Activate the glutes by applying pressure to the heels and slowly lifting the pelvis up. Make sure your knees and hips form a straight line.

  5. Hold the position for a few seconds while feeling the contraction of the glutes.

  6. Lower the pelvis back to the starting position in a controlled manner without touching the floor and repeat the movement.

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The glute bridges are repeated for a certain number of times depending on the fitness level and training goal. Make sure you have the correct form and avoid arching your back or dropping your hips.

Strong core with table top crunches

  1. Lie on your back and bend your knees so your shins are parallel to the floor and your lower legs are at right angles. Feet should be flat on the floor.

  2. Place hands slightly behind head with fingers supporting ears. The elbows should point to the side.

  3. Squeeze your abdominal muscles and slowly raise your head. Also raise your shoulders and upper back off the floor.

  4. Focus on the abs and draw the belly button towards the spine to increase the crunch movement. Hold the position for a moment and feel the tightening in your abdominal muscles.

  5. Return to the starting position in a controlled manner. To do this, slowly lower your upper body back to the floor – but without laying your whole body down, and repeat the movement.

For a healthy and strong back: the float

  1. Lie on your stomach and stretch out your arms and legs so that your body forms a straight line.

  2. Lift your right arm and left leg off the floor at the same time, keeping them parallel to the floor. The head should be down to maintain a neutral spine position.

  3. Switch sides: Engage core muscles to ensure stability. Raise your left arm and right leg. Also keep parallel to the floor.

  4. Continue to switch sides by alternately raising your arms and legs, similar to swimming. Pay attention to a flowing and controlled execution.

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Body Stability and Core Strength: Leg Raises

  1. Lay flat on your back and stretch out your legs. The arms can be placed at the side of the body or placed under the buttocks to provide additional support.

  2. Engage your abs, press your lower back into the floor, and lower your lumbar spine to establish a stable position.

  3. Slowly raise your legs by holding them together and bringing them perpendicular to the floor. Keep your legs stretched and as straight as possible.

  4. Continue contracting your abs to maintain control of the movement. Avoid arching your back or sagging your lower back.

  5. Lower your legs back to the starting position in a controlled manner, without touching the floor, and repeat the movement

Important: Be careful to maintain good form throughout the exercise and avoid swinging movements.

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