Home » Case systems, the Belluno Volleyball threatens: “Let’s move to Longarone”

Case systems, the Belluno Volleyball threatens: “Let’s move to Longarone”

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The crux is that of training. Padrin and Bogo seek a solution. President Da Rold: “If we do not have concrete answers by Monday we will have to move”

Belluno. “If we do not have concrete answers by Monday, we will have to move to Longarone.” The president of the men’s Volleyball Belluno Sandro Da Rold keeps the point and launches a real ultimatum to the institutions. “For the moment we have not had any feedback,” complains the owner of the A3 team who forty-eight hours ago had raised the alarm. “In the capital”, declared the president of the Da Rold Logistics club, “we can’t find a facility where we can train during the week.”

The Spes Arena (the facility designated to host the home games of coach Diego Poletto’s team), in fact, would never be available except on Sunday (at 6pm) for the home league matches. Hence the hypothesis of moving out of the capital. But a possible move to Longarone, which in the past has already hosted the Serie A volleyball, for training could also lead to a transfer of the game venue for Sunday matches? “This has yet to be decided,” Da Rold merely says.

The Spes Arena remains, of course, the first choice, after the De Mas (object of efficiency works that could last until the end of October) was discarded due to the unregulated height. The president of the Province of Belluno and mayor of Longarone, Roberto Padrin, would like to find an optimal solution. «I know that the managers of Volleyball Belluno have had an interview with the company that manages the Longarone sports hall», says Padrin, «to understand availability and conditions of use. I am in contact with the councilor for sport of the Municipality of Belluno, Marco Bogo, to find a solution in Belluno. I know of the difficulties that also derive from the fact that the De Mas sports hall is undergoing restructuring ».

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And just to try to agree on the use of the gyms of the capital, many of which are headed by the Province, a meeting is scheduled for Tuesday with the Municipality of Belluno in which the provincial councilor Serenella Bogana will also take part. Bogo himself, the day before yesterday, had explained that: “No no has been said to the Belluno Volleyball, for the simple fact that no calendar of use of the gyms has yet been drawn up”, and in any case he had reiterated his “maxim willingness to look for the best solution “.

The hourly availability in the Lambioi facility is intertwined with two other non-secondary themes: the installation of the taraflex and the collaboration with Spes Belluno. The taraflex is mandatory to play the official Serie A matches. Not to train, but to be able to use it also during the week, thus avoiding having to place it and then remove it from time to time, would not mind. As for the sporting collaboration with Spes, it will soon be clear whether the dialogue between the two realities of the capital has produced the desired results. The synergy, the details of which however all remain to be defined, would allow Volleyball Belluno to bridge a generation gap: in essence, that of the athletes from the U21 to U17 and Spes to have a Serie A club as the ideal landing point for his nursery

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