Home » After 40, the metabolism changes and so does the diet: what you should eat

After 40, the metabolism changes and so does the diet: what you should eat

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After 40, the metabolism changes and so does the diet: what you should eat
Body weight control and physical activity after forty – iFood.it (photo AdobeStock)

Hormonal changes that occur in women’s bodies after the age of 40 can disrupt their lives and even their body weight

After the age of forty, the metabolism naturally slows down. Before entering menopause, women in fact begin to undergo a transformation already from perimenopausethat transitional period between the fertile period and menopause.

During perimenopause i estrogen levels decrease. This hormonal change affects the metabolism: the body starts to burn fewer calories and consequently it is frequent that in this period of life the body weight increases.

In addition, the distribution of body fat also changes: fat tends to accumulate on the bellycondition associated with a increased risk of heart disease and diabetes. The risk of developing diabetes is also compounded by the decrease in estrogen, which affects the insulin sensitivity.

At this stage of life women may also experience one decrease in muscle mass, which helps burn calories even at rest. Also this loss of muscle mass slows down the metabolism. To manage the metabolic changes during perimenopause it is important to maintain one healthy lifestyle which must include a regular physical activity it’s a adequate diet.

Lean protein and omega-3s

To counteract the decrease in muscle mass we must ensure that our body has an adequate intake of protein which, in addition to promoting the sense of satiety, contribute to maintain muscle mass. So let’s consume lean proteins such as legumes, tofu, eggs, chicken, turkey and fish.

The fish, especially the one rich in healthy fats as the salmonThe mackerel not sardineit is also useful for the supply of fatty acids omega-3useful for the heart health. We also find omega-3s in foods such as seeds, nuts, avocado and olive oil.

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Example of a suitable meal after forty: tofu with vegetables and brown rice – iFood.it (photo Canva)

We protect the bones and control the weight

After a certain age women can be a osteoporosis risk. To keep the bone health it is therefore essential tocalcium intake: we consume low-fat milk and dairy products, leafy green vegetables, broccoli and cabbage, tofu and salmon.

They are also very important fibrewhich help control appetite and are heart health allies since they affect thefat absorption: they must never be missing fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains.

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