Home » Digital ambition, a plan for the digital acceleration of Italian startups and SMEs

Digital ambition, a plan for the digital acceleration of Italian startups and SMEs

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Digital ambition, a plan for the digital acceleration of Italian startups and SMEs

The digital transformation is widely recognized as an engine of growth and progress. According to theSME digital innovation observatory of the Politecnico di Milano, companies demonstrating greater digitization maturity have experienced an 18% increase in profits. During the pandemic, as noted by theState60% of SMEs have taken the path of digitization as a strategy to overcome the crisis, reaching at least a basic level of digital intensity. However, small and medium-sized Italian enterprises are still in the early stages of this long journey: 63% of these consider the technological infrastructure as a critical issue, while only 20% provide digital training to their employees.

It is in the light of this evidence that Microsoft Italywith strategic partners such as Cerved, Elite, LinkedIn e Steallancia Ambition Italy #DigitalChamps, an ecosystem project for the digital acceleration of Italian startups and SMEs that have already started innovation paths and that want to acquire a further competitive advantage thanks to new technologies. The initiative plans to reach 10,000 SMEs and startups by the end of 2023.

Services and tools for participating companies

The goal of Ambition Italy #DigitalChamps it is to improve the productivity, resilience and sustainability of companies and startups, generating a positive impact on the economy and society. Organizations participating in this program will have the opportunity to easily access the new technologies and solutions offered by Microsoft. The journey begins with an assessment of the company’s digital maturity level, followed by the creation of a customized action plan by Microsoft to accelerate the digital transformation of the business. In addition, training courses will be available, including courses on the latest generation of artificial intelligence. Participating companies will also have the opportunity to join a community where they can share successful experiences, address common challenges and update their skills.

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Startups will also have the opportunity to be part of the Founders Huba platform created by Microsoft to support new entrepreneurs in realizing their business ideas. The Founders Hub provides support to founders, helping them address the most common challenges startups encounter along their journey.

“In an uncertain economic context, SMEs need guidelines and support to transform their business and activities, to be competitive, sustainable and accelerate. Like Microsoft, together with the partners of Ambizione Italia #DigitalChamps, we want to contribute, through an ecosystem approach, to building a digital industrial policy that has a significant impact on the country system and that can promote its growth, leveraging on innovation and democratization of generative AI. Together we will make technology, services, training and consultancy available in a joint effort aimed at helping small and medium-sized enterprises that already have digital in their DNA to become real excellence in our area and to scale sustainably. Also thanks to the new frontiers of artificial intelligence, each company will have a Made-in-Italy co-pilot at its side to accelerate growth, competitiveness and sustainable development”, declared Vincenzo Esposito, CEO of Microsoft Italy.

The role of partners

The role of the initiative’s partners is also fundamental. Microsoft Italy and its partner companies offer technology, services, training and expertise to drive sustainable growth. Through joint offers and programs, they support companies and startups in improving productivity, resilience and sustainability, promoting a positive impact on the economy and society.

Cerved, Elite, LinkedIn and the Italian Post Groupwill offer services and solutions for growth, access to capital, training and financial support to SMEs and startups. Steal it will provide tailor-made insurance and financial solutions to foster the sustainable growth of SMEs and organize training initiatives to support companies in risk management, export and internationalisation. Furthermore, an acceleration program is launched for innovative SMEs involved in a sustainable corporate transformation process with high internationalization potential, which also includes business matching initiatives with potential foreign customers.

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