Home » Goodbye cellulite: the nutritionist reveals the allied foods in the battle against the annoying ‘orange peel’ effect

Goodbye cellulite: the nutritionist reveals the allied foods in the battle against the annoying ‘orange peel’ effect

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Goodbye cellulite: the nutritionist reveals the allied foods in the battle against the annoying ‘orange peel’ effect

In the fight against cellulite it is possible to find valid help in nutrition. Here are which foods to prefer according to nutritionists.

Cellulite, for many women, is a real one enemy to defeat. Summer represents that period of the year where this annoying blemish weighs the most. In most cases, we try to counteract it with exhausting workouts in the gym, draining massages and creams. You can also opt for mud to be done in the shower or for simple natural remedies.

Unfortunately, however, these precautions do not always allow us to achieve the desired result. An indifferent help comes from the power supply. Industry experts, in addition to a balanced diet, also recommend consume certain foods which, thanks to their properties, can make a difference. Here are the best choices to make during meals.

The tips to follow to get rid of cellulite: here are which foods to prefer

Saying ‘goodbye’ to cellulite is by no means a trivial matter, but with these small and valid tips it will be a real piece of cake.

Legs affected by cellulite: what are the natural remedies – tantasalute.it The first rule to defeat cellulite is a good hydration. This is a timeless advice because water allows you to purify the body of excess toxins. Helps circulation, drainage of liquids and fight water retention. It may seem trivial, but many people, even in the summer heat, struggle to reach 2 liters per day. Resorting to sugary drinks is one of the least suitable solutions because makes the problem worse and adds significant calories to your diet. A valid alternative is to prepare green tea for its incredible slimming properties. A great help also comes from the world of spices. Among the most suitable for this problem there are ginger and turmeric. They can be used in many different ways. With the former it is possible to make excellent draining herbal teas, while the latter is suitable for almost all dishes. A dusting is enough to transform food into a real treat.Citrus lovers they can move towards the intake of oranges, pineapples and lemons. These three elements, especially if consumed upon awakening, improve the microcirculation and the structure of the capillaries. Strawberries, blackberries and blueberries also have similar effects. Their excellent flavor makes them easy to include in one’s diet; due to the presence of omega 3, it is impossible not to add oily fish to list such as sardines, tuna and salmon. It must be kept in mind that, in addition to meeting all those who want to get rid of “orange peel” skin, they are valid allies for pathologies such as hypertension and diabetes; Finally, according to experts it is impossible to do without flax and chia seeds. These calcium and vitamin concentrates are found in many different forms. They can be purchased in powder form, to give your recipes a touch of originality, or left in water to obtain a beneficial gelatinous substance to drink whenever you want.

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With these little tips, the fight against cellulite will no longer be a problem!

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