Home » Vaccini, in the no-vax front also the traditionalist Catholics

Vaccini, in the no-vax front also the traditionalist Catholics

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Simone Pillon, politician elected on the lists of the League, is also opposed to the green pass and declared that “vaccines that are still in the experimental phase cannot be forced.” The Pro Vita e Famiglia association has launched a petition to exclude minors from the vaccination obligation, now overtaken even by events.

The accusation: “Lace to be paid to the state to be free”

There are those who, in the traditionalist Catholic universe, try to frame the question with a more in-depth and rational approach and without slogans. This is the case with Professor Roberto de Mattei, president of the Lepanto Foundation, which published in March this year a short book entitled “On the moral legitimacy of vaccination” (publisher Fiducia). Subtitle: “A clear and comprehensive answer to those who consider vaccination against Covid-19 in itself illegal, because it is functional to abortion”. Then it is enough to scroll through the various information organs linked to the traditionalist Catholic world to find many sides. A few days ago in the Nuova Bussola Quotidiana an article entitled «The slaves of vaccine“ freedom ”appeared»: «The protection money to be paid to the State in order to continue to be free is the green pass and therefore the vaccine. The ideal citizen then becomes the slave of freedom. Coercion as a tool to promise freedom has been the tool of many ideologies, from Nazism to Communism. In this pandemic, the plot is the same: the currency to acquire freedom is the renunciation of freedom ”.

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Christian Family: “It is an act of love for one’s neighbor”

But the Catholic Church in its great majority has no reason to discard the general rules and the desire to get out of this nightmare as soon as possible. «Getting vaccinated is an act of love for one’s neighbor. This is the only truly religious motivation that should inspire the choices of believers in the face of the pandemic », writes Fr.on Antonio Rizzolo, Director of Christian family, in the historic column “Conversations with the father” responding to the reflections and doubts of some readers on the immunization campaign and the related controversies. One reader, in particular, says she is concerned about “the anti-vaccine line that seems to me to prevail too much in the Church”, so much so that some argue that what they call “serum” rather than vaccine is “produced with aborted fetuses. “.

In the USA the evangelical and Baptist (and Trumpian) front

The phenomenon is also widespread in the United States, where the no-vax front is vast and noisy. The most reluctant – according to data published by the Public Research Institute and fromInterfaith Youth Core – they are white evangelical Christians and African-American Baptists, who mostly live in the south and who voted overwhelmingly Trump (also a reaction to the administration’s vaccination campaign Biden). But Catholics are also active, who in the United States have large sections of the hierarchy very little sympathetic to Francis: from the archdiocese of New Orleans, an invitation arrives to the faithful to refuse certain vaccines: “If vaccines Pfizer e Modern are available, we advise Catholics to choose them instead of Johnson&Johnson, due to its extensive use of abortion-derived cells’. But, as we have seen, the matter has been cleared.

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Vaccines in the Vatican but no “repression” on those who evade

If the Vatican of Francesco has given the green light across the board, within the Leonine walls for employees, however, the right to have different opinions is contemplated. The Governorate, the Vatican dicastery that manages the services of the “state” (museums, gendarmerie, clinics, pharmacy, etc.) in February issued a provision that provides for voluntary vaccination, which therefore must take into account “the risk that any refusal of person concerned may pose a risk to himself, to others and to the working environment. For this reason, the safeguarding of the community can provide, for those who refuse vaccination in the absence of health reasons, the adoption of measures that on the one hand minimize the danger in question and on the other allow to find alternative solutions for the carrying out of the work by the interested party “.

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