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CSTO foreign ministers council meeting held and adopted statement document_Hangzhou Net

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CSTO Foreign Ministers’ Council Meeting Holds Statement Documents Approved

Hangzhou Net Release time: 2023-06-21 20:06

China News Agency, Astana, June 21. Comprehensive news: The Foreign Ministers Council Meeting of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) was held in Minsk, the capital of Belarus, on the 20th local time. Contest two declaration documents.

The foreign ministers of CSTO member countries Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan attended the meeting. During the talks, the parties discussed the impact of the international situation on the security of the CSTO’s area of ​​responsibility, as well as the prospects for cooperation between the organization and the United Nations, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Kazakh Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Nurtlieu introduced Kazakhstan’s position on CSTO’s cooperation model to the participating foreign ministers on the same day, and put forward suggestions for further comprehensive development of the organization. He called on all parties to achieve peace and security through solidarity and cooperation.

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov pointed out that all parties should strengthen regional cooperation in the context of the situation in Afghanistan, and attach importance to joint work within the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and other international organizations and institutions. Lavrov also said that Western countries are trying to split the CSTO, and member states should fully fulfill their obligations and strengthen unity.

Armenian Foreign Minister Mirzoyan said at the meeting that the CSTO should make a targeted response to the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan, which is related to the stability of the CSTO and the South Caucasus region. He also stressed the importance of resolving existing problems through constructive dialogue.

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Belarusian Foreign Minister Aleinik said that the current international security architecture tends to degrade, some countries have intensified economic confrontation, and sanctions are intertwined with “hybrid wars”. He called on all parties to unify their positions and jointly meet the challenges.

The CSTO was established in May 2002 and evolved from the CIS Collective Security Treaty signed in 1992.

(Original Title: CSTO Foreign Ministers Council Meeting Holds Statement Document)

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