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Steven Tyler made a child daughter | Entertainment

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Steven Tyler made a child daughter |  Entertainment

The famous rocker has been enjoying a romance with his assistant Amy, 40 years his junior, for the past 7 years. Before her… chaos!

Source: Profimedia

Steven Tyler, the frontman of the band Aerosmith, gave us some of the biggest rock and roll hits, but also a biography that left no one indifferent.

Although he has been in a peaceful and harmonious relationship for 7 years with Amy Preston, 40 years his junior, who was his assistant, Steven led a bizarre life, to say the least, during which he discovered that the famous actress was his daughter, but also adopted a girl and made her child!

He lost his virginity at the age of seven, with twin girls from France after a church service. As he himself told numerous media, before having sex, they first played in the yard, and then went home, where the act itself took place.

Already in high school, he started using marijuana, which is why he was kicked out of school, although he later managed to graduate. However, his path was music, and he was made famous by the hit “Dream on”, which he wrote in 1970 and became popular overnight.

One of the most bizarre stories from his life is definitely his relationship with then fifteen-year-old Julia, whom he later legally adopted and then fathered a child with.

Source: Profimedia

When he went on tour he sent his manager to take Julia for an abortion. At that time, he was already in a serious relationship with Liv Tyler’s mother, which Julia did not know.

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After the fire in the building in which she survived by sheer luck, Julia agreed to have an abortion and returned to her family, and never contacted Stephen again. He called several times, and many years later he paid half a million dollars to her organization for the protection of abused girls and women.

“It was a big crisis. It’s scary when you know that a new life is growing inside a woman, but everyone around you assures you that that thing in her stomach will destroy everyone’s lives, including you and her. Then you go to the doctor, he injects something into her stomach while you watch and then soon you see a dead fetus. I wondered what I had done,” he wrote in his autobiography, and the song “Janie’s got a gun” he dedicated to Julia.

Source: Profimedia

After Julia, he found love with Bebe Buell, who later gave birth to his daughter, today’s famous actress Liv Tyler. However, her mother only allowed her to meet her father when she was 12 years old and took her to an Aerosmith concert.

All this happened because Steven was in a parallel relationship, i.e. already married to his second wife, with whom he had a daughter only 17 months after the birth of Liv. The actress once told how she found out that he was her father.

Izvor: YouTube/screenshot/Miramax

“I understood everything because I looked like him. I also have a sister Mia who is a year younger than me and I saw her standing on stage at his concert and I thought I was looking at my twin. She looked literally like me. I looked at my mother, and she had tears in her eyes. Then everything was clear to me,” Liv once said.

Liv’s mother, Bebe, gave her the last name of her then-partner Tod Radgner at birth, who raised her as his own. She has an excellent relationship with her biological father, and the media often wrote about their excessive closeness and kisses on the mouth on the red carpet.

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Source: Profimedia

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