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Heavy legs in the summer heat? How to fix it

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Heavy legs in the summer heat?  How to fix it

The summer heat can lead to heavy and tired legs, causing discomfort and limiting our mobility. But is there really a correlation between heat and heavy legs? In this article, we’ll explore the possible causes of this condition and give you practical advice on how to alleviate this discomfort.

Figure 1 – Heat and tired legs: how to solve this summer nuisance

The correlation between heat and heavy legs

The heat can affect our circulatory system, leading to vasodilation of the blood vessels and increased permeability of the venous walls. This can cause venous return to become less efficient and blood to pool in the legs, causing a feeling of heaviness and fatigue.

Some factors that can contribute to heavy legs in hot weather include:

Water retention: The heat can favor fluid retention in our body, increasing blood volume and worsening circulation in the legs.

Dilation of blood vessels: High temperatures can cause blood vessels to dilate, increasing pressure within the veins and hampering blood flow.

Venous stasis: The combination of poor circulation and prolonged standing or sitting can contribute to venous stasis, i.e. slowing of blood flow in the legs.

How to solve the discomfort of heavy legs

Luckily, there are several strategies you can use to ease the feeling of heavy legs in the heat. Here are some helpful tips:

Keep yourself hydrated: Drinking enough is essential to promote the elimination of toxins and prevent water retention.

Move your legs: Avoid staying in one position for long periods of time. Stand up and move your legs occasionally to stimulate circulation.

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Elevate your legs: When you can, raise your legs to promote venous return. Prop your feet up on a booster seat or place them on cushions to improve blood flow.

Wear compression stockings: Compression stockings can help improve blood circulation in your legs and reduce the feeling of heaviness.

Get regular physical activity: Exercise promotes circulation and helps keep your legs healthy. Choose activities like walking, swimming, or light exercise.

Leg exercises

In addition to the strategies mentioned above, you can do specific leg exercises that promote circulation and ease the discomfort of heavy legs. Here are some examples:

Leg lifts: Lie on your back with your legs raised and make circular movements with your feet to stimulate blood flow.

Walk in place: Raise your knees high and walk in place for a few minutes to activate your leg muscles and improve circulation.

Calf stretch: Lean against a wall with one foot forward and one foot back. Bend your front knee and keep your back heel on the ground to stretch your calf.

Squat: Perform squats, bending your knees and lowering yourself as if you were about to sit in an imaginary chair. This exercise engages the leg muscles and promotes circulation.

“The first and best way to prevent leg problems is to keep them moving.” – Author unknown


The feeling of heavy legs in the heat can be uncomfortable, but there are strategies that can help you find relief. Keeping yourself hydrated, moving your legs regularly, lifting your legs and exercising are just some of the possible solutions. Always remember to consult a medical professional if the problem persists or worsens.


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