Home » The 3 essential vitamins for brain health and the prevention of degenerative diseases

The 3 essential vitamins for brain health and the prevention of degenerative diseases

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An all-Italian study reveals how to effectively combat the aging of the mind at the table and therefore how science is increasingly looking for evidence of the union between the intestine and the brain. Keeping the first healthy and active also means directly protecting the health of the second. Let us remember once again that almost 70% of infections and viruses develop starting from the intestine and then spread to the whole organism. Today, however, we will see directly the 3 vitamins essential for brain health and the prevention of degenerative diseases. Taking them daily with supplements but also at the table really means taking care of ourselves and our person.

Starting with the sun vitamin

It is no coincidence that we could define it as the “summer vitamin”, the D that we take largely with exposure to the brightest star in the sky. It is in fact more difficult to take it with food than the other vitamins most present in daily foods. There are above all 3 categories of people who absolutely must take vitamin D:

  • expectant mothers;
  • children;
  • Senior citizens.

For the first category, this vitamin is at the basis of the development of the fetus and of the developing baby’s brain. Children must continue to have enough for bone and brain development itself. And the elderly is helpful in preventing brain decline and the onset of Alzheimer’s. Beyond these three categories, vitamin D is still essential for health at any age, especially for keeping the mind active.

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The 3 essential vitamins for brain health and the prevention of degenerative diseases

Perhaps we will say some things for granted, but the other 2 essential vitamins for the health of our mind are B and C. Both of them can be taken quite comfortably even at lunch, especially the second. Maybe going to find less known but incredibly beneficial foods. To understand how important vitamin B is, like all those of its group, we refer to a popular name with which it is called: “vitamin of happiness”. Nickname due to the fact that by inserting itself in the genetic formation of neurotransmitters, B allows to increase energy resources, reducing stress.

What we don’t know about C.

Vitamin C is perhaps the best known of all, also because we study it at school since childhood. But few know that providing more oxygen and nutrients to the brain is a very valuable ally against the relentless advance of the years. Thanks to glutamate, the substance that gives vitality to our mental faculties and that counteracts the advancement of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and other degenerative diseases. Beware, however, that glutamate is an exciting and can have contraindications. Before taking it directly with supplements, contact a trusted doctor or pharmacist.


Honey and cinnamon an exceptional combination to live better

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted WHO”)

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