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Enjoy your car while you still can

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Enjoy your car while you still can

It is becoming increasingly clear that Klaus Schwab’s sentence, “You will no longer own anything and still be happy”, should be implemented with all violence. An important point of attack is individual mobility. It should continue to exist for the richest of the rich, because the climate-driven European Union, for example, is not interested in the CO2 emissions of private jets, while the focus is on the mass jets used by average Otto consumers.

But not only flying should become an exclusive privilege. The globalists from the World Economic Forum are planning something similar for road traffic. Here, the private vehicles are in the foreground. For the benefit of the climate, their population is to be reduced by 75 percent over the next 27 years.

Should this happen, many traffic jams will resolve themselves and the old motto “Free travel for rich citizens” will apply again in a slightly different form on the roads, not only in Germany. These plans were anchored and disclosed last month when a briefing paper entitled The Urban Mobility Scorecard Tool: Benchmarking the Transition to Sustainable Urban Mobility was released.

The paper points out that by 2050, more than two-thirds of the world‘s population will live in cities. Our existing cities and especially the new cities to be planned should therefore mutate into 15-minute cities. They are characterized by short distances that can be covered in less than 15 minutes.

The car should once again become an exclusive privilege

This eliminates numerous journeys and the World Economic Forum recommends the electrification of public transport and “shared mobility” in order to meet the needs of city dwellers and achieve the climate goals of the Paris Agreement.

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The worldwide vehicle stock is therefore to be reduced from 2.1 to just 0.5 billion cars. Compared to today’s use, vehicle emissions could be reduced by 80 percent, saving 3.9 billion tons of CO2.

The elites of the World Economic Forum are thus indirectly admitting that the propagated electrification of transport is wishful thinking that must inevitably fail in reality because neither the electricity nor the raw materials required for the batteries are available in sufficient quantities.

So let’s look forward to a brave new world, where the few remaining cows have more room in the pastures and the masses are kept in tightly confined 15-minute ghetos, while the wealthy elite blithely and unashamedly roam the world jets.

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