Home » ephemeris. Venezuela celebrates the Day of the Architect

ephemeris. Venezuela celebrates the Day of the Architect

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ephemeris.  Venezuela celebrates the Day of the Architect

Today in Venezuela the Day of the Architect is celebrated, since every July 4th it is commemorated that in the year of 1,945m seven architects made the decision to lay the foundations for the foundation of the Venezuelan Society of Architects (SVA).

In the official document it can be read “In Caracas, on the fourth day of July of 1945, meeting in the building of the College of Engineers of Venezuela, the undersigned founded the Venezuelan Society of Architects, whose purposes will be : give impetus to the study and development of Architecture, cultivate professional ethics, establish bonds between its members and tend to defend the improvement of the profession”, signed the founders, who were Rafael Bergamín (1891-1970), Luis Eduardo Chataing (1906-1971), Cipriano Domínguez (1904-1995), Enrique García Maldonado (1905-1990), Heriberto González Méndez (1906-1992), Roberto Henríquez (1905-1990) and Carlos Raúl Villanueva (1900-1975) .

Shortly after, on April 15, 1946, said constitution acquired legal form, with its due registration and the election of its first board of directors. In 1966 the SVA became the College of Architects of Venezuela (CAV), and in homage to those 7 founding architects, it was decided to establish July 4 as the Day of the Architect in Venezuela.

Architect at National Universities

Architecture studies in the country are carried out in most of the Autonomous Universities of the country, as well as in private higher education houses.

According to the description of the National Council of Universities, in the Office of Planning of the University Sector, the profile of the graduate in architecture is the following:

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Ability to reason abstract and spatial type. Great organizational capacity. Good background in the basic sciences to interpret and apply the principles to practical situations. Willingness to work both in open spaces and in offices. Interest and capacity for calculation. Perception and creative imagination, ability to draw, meticulousness and precision in manual movements.

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By: The Truth of Monagas – The best News from Monagas and Venezuela, the latest events today in Monagas, reporting in a way – Authentic and impartial!

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