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Fever and malaise which diet is recommended to overcome the ailments: attention to the white diet

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Fever and malaise which diet is recommended to overcome the ailments: attention to the white diet

Fever and malaise can strike at all ages, not just in winter due to lower temperatures. Nutrition can be an important aid in healing faster.

Having fever and general malaise is more frequent than one might think, indeed it can affect people of all ages, certainly not just children who may have a more delicate immune system. At the same time, it is simplistic to think that these symptoms can only occur in winter due to particularly cold temperatures. Sometimes, it doesnā€™t help the jolts that one has to endure going in and out of places where there is air conditioning and others where it is off.

The triggers can be different: in addition to the flu, which is the most common situation, it can be a consequence of viral or bacterial infections, but also of inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, or following the administration of a vaccine, even if in this case the problem it can resolve even the next day. Not only, in some cases it can be an alarm bell for our body when we are experiencing a particularly stressful period.

The diet can help fight fever and malaise

An old popular tradition made us think it was possible fight fever and malaise through what is called the ā€œwhite dietā€, that is, eating plain rice or pasta and, in general, preferring light foods with little seasoning or spices. At the same time, boiled potatoes, milk, yoghurt and cheeses were also considered suitable, as well as white fish such as hake and cod. They would inevitably be avoided pizzafried, sausages and foods that are too elaborate.

What is advisable to eat when you have a fever (tantasalute.it)

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But is it really so? In fact, this is not entirely true, or rather there is no scientific evidence to suggest that this is the best choice. Indeed, if we want to be honest there is a risk that someone could feel even more depressed by eating something that is very unappetizing.

A sick person certainly has a delicate stomach and intestines, for this reason some of those indications could even worsen the problem. It is the case of milk, which can be hard to digest when youā€™re not in top shape, as well as yoghurts and cheeses. Dairy products and their derivatives in these cases should therefore be forgotten at least for a few days, even though they may be thought to be light.

Itā€™s not just the foods that make the difference when you have a fever and malaise, but also the cooking techniques. Thatā€™s exactly why it would be good focus on boiled meats, even if they are not particularly appetizing. Alternatively, thatā€™s fine too something baked or steamed.

What is recommended to eat when you have a fever (tantasalute.it)

The ideal if you want to reduce healing times would be to focus on rice, pasta and boiled potatoes, which can be digested without much difficulty. The seasoning used is also fundamental, better to prefer extra virgin olive oil, however, without exaggerating, while butter and heavy sauces such as ready-made sauces and pesto should be set aside.

Who until now thought that the White rice was perfect, even in case of diarrhea, he made a mistake. Only consume this is certainly too little in terms of nutrientsbut should be placed side by side with something containing protein, such as baked or steamed meat or white fish, or eggs (preferably poached, no omelettes). Finally, if you want to avoid dehydration, water is essential, but at room temperature.

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