Home » Many overlook it but this common symptom could be the hint of a tumor in the body

Many overlook it but this common symptom could be the hint of a tumor in the body

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Some forms of cancer develop silently, especially in the early stages. Not immediately manifesting pain in specific areas or disturbances of certain functions, the diagnosis sometimes comes later in time. In some cases, symptoms may occur instead which, although not considered specific, could be a wake-up call. We gave an example when we listed the 3 high blood values ​​that could warn of the presence of cancer.

Many overlook it but this common symptom could be the hint of a tumor in the body. Let’s see below what it is therefore.

What phenomena occur in the body when cancer cells attack an organ

A clinical condition associated with the formation of a neoplasm affecting an organ or system could be weight loss. This is weight loss that is not justified by a diet or a food restriction.

The formation of tumor cells represents an alteration for the organism that can also be reflected on a nutritional level. The reasons for a person with cancer to lose weight can be different. Sometimes the cause is attributable to a dysfunction in the metabolism. In other situations it could be the presence of a mechanical obstruction. Think, for example, of oropharyngeal or nasopharyngeal carcinomas. In other circumstances, weight loss could be associated with particular drug therapies the patient is on. Weight loss alone does not represent a specific symptom of a tumor. It could be the consequence of several pathological conditions, even totally different from cancer. This is why in these cases it is always necessary to consult the doctor to identify the certain cause.

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Many overlook it but this common symptom could be the hint of a tumor in the body

Generally, unintentional weight loss could become worrying if it exceeds a certain threshold in a more or less short period of time. If weight loss is not justified by a change in lifestyle, such as a diet or the introduction of physical activity, it is good to investigate the cause. In some cases, weight loss may be associated with other non-specific symptoms that should be monitored and reported to a doctor. As the AIRC reiterates, there are often no symptoms that unequivocally allow us to identify the onset of a tumor. Rather, it is common for the subject to register phenomena, such as the weight loss we have reported.

There are also other indirect signals that are detected for specific pathological forms as we have illustrated in the article: “This tumor that often does not give symptoms could be recognized by some indirect signals”. In such circumstances it is always advisable to rely on your doctor and carry out diagnostic tests in order to identify the cause of your discomfort.


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(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted WHO”)

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