Home » Colombian Government Investigates the Reported Death of Iván Márquez, FARC Dissident Leader

Colombian Government Investigates the Reported Death of Iván Márquez, FARC Dissident Leader

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Colombian Government Investigates the Reported Death of Iván Márquez, FARC Dissident Leader

Title: Former FARC Guerrilla Leader Ivan Marquez Possibly Dead, Colombian Government Investigates

The Colombian government is working to confirm reports of the death of Ivan Marquez, a prominent former guerrilla leader who commanded one of the main dissident factions of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). Marquez, who had expressed intentions to engage in peace talks, is believed to have succumbed to injuries sustained in an attack by mercenaries on the Venezuelan side of the border a year ago. The injuries resulted in a leg amputation, loss of an arm, and head injuries.

The news of Marquez’s death was initially announced by CM&, a television news program. The Colombian government is yet to verify the information and has responded that they are trying to confirm the reports. Two days prior to his reported death, Marquez had spoken to peace commissioner Danilo Rueda.

Marquez played a pivotal role as the FARC’s chief negotiator in the peace agreement with the government led by former President Juan Manuel Santos. However, he later decided to return to armed struggle and established the Segunda Marquetalia, an armed group known for recruiting young guerrillas. Last year, the Iván Duque administration declared Marquez dead following the attack by mercenaries. Subsequently, the Second Marquetalia released a statement confirming his survival and announced his admission to a Venezuelan hospital.

Defense Minister Iván Velásquez stated that they are awaiting confirmation of Marquez’s death and that information regarding his apparent demise is yet to be officially verified. Velásquez expressed the hope of being able to provide the country with accurate news on this matter.

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In 2019, Marquez resurfaced after a year of disappearance and, along with other commanders, declared the beginning of “a new stage in the armed struggle” in a video. The emergence of dissident factions such as the Second Marquetalia further complicated the peace agreement, with Marquez openly criticizing it as a “serious mistake.”

Luciano Marín, Marquez’s real name, was a prominent figure in the FARC hierarchy, second only to Rodrigo Londoño, also known as Timochenko. However, Marquez resigned from his seat as a senator, which was guaranteed under the peace agreement, and entered a reincorporation space after the capture of another prominent guerrilla leader, Jesús Santrich, who was accused of drug trafficking at the United States‘ request.

The circumstances surrounding Marquez’s death parallel the uncertain circumstances of Santrich’s death across the Venezuelan border. It has been speculated that Marlon Marín, Marquez’s nephew and a key informant for the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), played a significant role in the drug trafficking case. Santrich eventually joined the Second Marquetalia before his death.

Marquez’s death, if confirmed, would mark the end of a journey that saw him turn his back on the peace agreement he had initially helped negotiate. He had cited concerns about the government’s lack of compliance and asserted that the FARC’s disarmament was a mistake.

As the Colombian government seeks more information to confirm Marquez’s reported death, the country eagerly awaits updates on this significant development.


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