Home » Excess of this food can damage the brain causing memory loss and dementia

Excess of this food can damage the brain causing memory loss and dementia

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Some foods if consumed in excessive quantities can lead to serious diseases, yet many do not know it. For example, many think that sugar is very nutritious and that eating it is a good thing. It is also thought that its excessive consumption does not hurt too much and at the most leads to weight gain. On the other hand, it is not thought that in the long run it can lead to diabetes, cardiovascular disease but also neurodegenerative diseases. Few are really aware that too much of this food can damage the brain causing memory loss and dementia.

There are foods that are real allies of the brain. For example, many types of fish contain a molecule called DHA, and taking this substance also helps protect the brain and fight Alzheimer’s. Then there are spices that are real friends and allies of the brain and favor its activity. And then there are foods that, on the other hand, put brain activities at risk and over time can predispose to memory loss and even dementia. Foods that are high in sugar can lead to this serious brain problem.

Excess of this food can damage the brain causing memory loss and dementia

In a famous experiment in 2012, researchers wanted to verify the effect of the high-fructose syrup on the brains of some mice. This syrup is about six times sweeter than brown sugar and is used to sweeten some sodas, but also in some foods and even in baby food.

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In the experiment, the mice were fed this super concentrate of fructose for six weeks. Then the researchers tested its ability to get out of a maze. Well, those fed with the syrup found it much harder to remember the exit from the labyrinth, they had slowed cognitive abilities. In addition, these mice showed a significant decline in synaptic activity, meaning brain cells struggled to communicate. This led to confusing the way out that they had learned 6 weeks earlier.

In addition, the types fed the super syrup showed an additional problem, which was that they were resistant to insulin. Insulin is the hormone that regulates blood sugar levels, but it also plays a key role in the synaptic functions of the brain. In this regard, a study carried out by UCLA, the University of California, is significant. The research concludes that a large amount of sugar in the body can make it difficult for insulin to regulate synaptic functions. In practice, excess blood sugar can lead to slow learning and memory loss.

An interesting experiment

To verify this claim, an experiment was done which involved some people with an average age of 63. None of them suffered from diabetes or prediabetes. He was presented with memory tests. Those who had the highest blood sugar values ​​are the ones with the lowest test scores.


Low levels of this substance damage the brain and increase depression and aggression

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted WHO”)

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