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What is important in pharmacy insurance

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What is important in pharmacy insurance

Why “properly insure” is so difficult

Many pharmacists often underestimate how likely it is that they will be affected by certain events. Too much emphasis is often placed on hedging small risks, while at the same time large risks remain insufficiently covered. In addition, choosing the wrong insurer can often lead to further problems. It’s time pharmacies took a better approach to their insurance coverage.

It is particularly important to pay attention to specific features of the insurance. Two such aspects are the “return tax insurance” and the protection against “goods spoilage due to wear and tear”. These offer comprehensive security for pharmacy operations and should therefore be taken into account.

Return tax insurance is of great importance as it protects pharmacies from financial losses due to return tax. Retaxations can occur when health insurance companies make certain demands on the billing of medication, resulting in financial losses for the pharmacy. Adequate return tax insurance helps pharmacies to minimize these financial risks and ensures a stable economic basis.

In addition, protection against spoilage due to wear and tear is of great importance. Pharmacies work with sensitive products that are perishable under certain conditions. Wear and tear damage can damage valuable goods, which can lead to significant financial losses. Appropriate insurance that offers this protection is therefore crucial to ensure the economic stability of the pharmacy.

In addition to these special features, it is also important to pay attention to other aspects when choosing insurance for pharmacies. This includes taking over all the services of the previous insurer to ensure that the existing insurance cover continues seamlessly. In addition, all coverage extensions offered on the German market at the time of the damage should be automatically included in the insurance cover. This ensures that no important risks are excluded and that the pharmacy receives the best possible insurance cover. In addition, it is an advantage if future, premium-free improvements in insurance cover automatically also apply to the existing contract.

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The choice of suitable insurance cover is of great importance for pharmacies. Pharmacies can minimize financial risks and create a stable basis for their operations by carefully selecting and taking into account specific features such as return tax insurance and protection against spoilage of goods due to wear and tear.

Specialists are available to provide you with further information and advice on choosing the best insurance cover.

by Oliver Ponleroy, specialist journalist

ApoRisk® GmbH is an insurance broker and has been a specialist in the risks of pharmacists for many years. The brokerage company is experienced in the pharmacy industry and independent. The direct concept via the Internet portals aporisk.de and pharmarisk.de saves our customers a lot of money. This saving benefits the high value and fair price of the policies.

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