Home » Afghanistan, the first repatriates to Rome: “Thousands risk their lives, the Taliban are looking for our colleagues house by house”

Afghanistan, the first repatriates to Rome: “Thousands risk their lives, the Taliban are looking for our colleagues house by house”

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“The Taliban are looking for our colleagues from house to house. Thousands are risking their lives. The situation in hospitals is very serious.” One of the Afghan doctors, one of the first repatriated to Italy after the Taliban announced the rebirth of the Islamic Emirate in Afghanistan, has just landed at Fiumicino airport, along with 70 other people, including diplomats and collaborators.

The Taliban: “The war in Afghanistan is over”. But it is attacked at Kabul airport to escape: 7 dead. Biden returns to the White House, speaking to the country tonight

by Raffaella Scuderi

“We feel betrayed. Our collaborators believed in us and now they are abandoned and risk their lives – says the refugee doctor who has collaborated in health projects – We left collaborators in Kabul and we don’t know now how to help them, how we should do it. they cannot move, who have collaborated with us, who we have trained: midwives, doctors, who worked with us and are now abandoned. Our hospitals are abandoned, they have no drugs, and the sick are dying. Children who have no food. The situation it is very serious. I had believed a lot in the transition and now I am disappointed “.

“Take us away”, anger and fear in Kabul that has fallen to the Taliban

by Francesca Mannocchi

On the KC-767 airplane of the Air Force which left last night from the Afghan capital to bring back home the staff of the Italian embassy and former Afghan collaborators with their families also Pietro del Sette, cooperating in the field of agriculture and rural development for the Italian Development Agency. “The situation between yesterday and the day before yesterday has worsened further, the civil airport was closed, we were the last to leave but there are other Italians, I don’t know how many, and the hope is that the military airport component is able to carry out our repatriation program. What has happened is a failure that hurts a lot. “

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by Francesca Mannocchi

Together with him he also returned to Italy Domenico Fantoni, an expert in logistics and safety at work: “I started my experience in Afghanistan in 2016 – he explains – A part of my heart remained there next to our collaborators. There remained people who trusted in us and hope to be able to arrive in Italy to avoid risks and the situation that is afflicting them. It was a rapid evolution and we are still overwhelmed by emotion. They were very excited moments. I am very happy to have arrived in Italy but I leave my heart for these other people who were hoping in us “.

“At the airport we were always protected by the carabinieri whom I thank because they are always on the front line to defend us, exceptional guys. For the text, we also experienced dramatic moments there because the plane was ready but there were still unrest and no we had the “Go” to go. They were intense phases. “

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by Gabriella Colarusso

An Emergency volunteer, repatriated from the Kabul hospital, also disembarked: “We too were surprised by the speed of the Taliban advance. However, we were able to equip ourselves quickly enough to face all the difficulties and needs that arise. have manifested during this period. Since the fighting in Rogan province began we have seen a considerable increase in patients with injuries, either from bullets, or from fragments of mines or explosives. It is a trend that we have seen increase in the last six months to at the crescendo of the advance. The day before yesterday we received 65 wounded, yesterday 80. Those of yesterday both for clashes and scuffles “. “The will of Emergency – he added – is to remain in the field in Afghanistan by reshaping our medical staff and thus bring back colleagues who are not strictly necessary for clinical activities. Emergency has not gone away. Our facilities are fully functional on the field”.

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