Home » Lisa Marie Presley died after weight loss surgery – the method is so dangerous

Lisa Marie Presley died after weight loss surgery – the method is so dangerous

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Lisa Marie Presley died after weight loss surgery – the method is so dangerous

Almost half a year after the sudden death of Elvis’ daughter Lisa Marie Presley, coroners have announced the cause of her death. The singer died in January of complications from weight-loss surgery, the Los Angeles County Medical Examiner said in a statement. The operation was years ago, but as a result scar tissue had formed, which led to an obstruction in the small intestine, it said.

Known long-term complication

It is a well-known long-term complication in this type of operation, several US media quoted from the report, which was available to them in full. Presley complained of severe abdominal pain on January 12, it said. Later that day, her husband found her dead at her home in Calabasas, California. Presley then went into cardiac arrest in the hospital.

Prelsey underwent weight loss surgery

These so-called bariatric surgeries involve some risks. They are there to help sufferers lose weight. As the portal “MSD Manual” writes, around 160,000 people undergo such an operation every year. “Patients can use it to lose at least half their excess weight, a total of 36 kg to 72 kg,” it says. The interventions include

a permanent reduction of the stomach size or bypassing part of the small intestine tying off the stomach (gastric band)

Among the most common complications of this operation are

Bleeding Gall and kidney stones Nutrient deficiencies Gout and leaks between the stomach and intestines.

0.2 to 0.3 percent of patients die during the first month after the operation, even in specially approved clinics. In other hospitals, the risk could be even higher, according to the portal. And.Two to four percent of patients are affected by an intestinal obstruction. One such suffered Presley. And it can lead to death years after the operation.

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This is what happens when you have an intestinal obstruction

“In the case of an intestinal obstruction (ileus), the chyme is no longer transported through the intestine and accumulates,” writes FOCUS doctor search. This creates an ideal breeding ground for bacteria, which release gases and can bloat and stretch the intestines. The result: cracks appear in the intestinal wall. And that is extremely dangerous. Because the germs can

enter the abdomen – and there is a risk of inflammation of the peritoneum or get into the blood – and there is a risk of blood poisoning.

At the same time, fluid and electrolytes could no longer get into the bloodstream, causing a deficiency. “If a section of the intestine is no longer supplied with sufficient blood, the tissue ultimately dies off,” the portal continues. “Thus, an intestinal obstruction can be life-threatening.”

Symptoms and causes of intestinal obstruction

According to the “MSD Manual”, an intestinal obstruction is noticeable through the following symptoms:

severe abdominal pain nausea vomiting problems clearing bowel gases and constipation.

The trigger for an intestinal obstruction can be different, according to “FOCUS doctor search”.

Mechanical intestinal obstruction: An obstacle interrupts the intestinal passage. For example, tumors can cause such a traffic jam. In Lisa Marie Presley’s case, however, it was the scarred tissue after surgery in her intestines.

In about 2 to 4 percent of patients who undergo bariatric surgery, the bowel becomes blocked by twisting or scar tissue forming, writes MSD Manual. An occlusion can develop weeks to months or years after the surgical procedure.

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Functional intestinal obstruction: There is paralysis of the intestine caused by an operation, inflammation or poisoning. This also includes cramps due to metabolic disorders.

“The earlier a doctor diagnoses and treats the intestinal obstruction or paralysis, the better the prognosis,” writes the Portel. Discovered in time, medication could help, as could surgery. The following applies: “Without treatment, an intestinal obstruction can be fatal – two to 20 percent of those affected do not survive it.”

Presley also had drugs in his blood

Among other things, the painkiller oxycodone was found in Presley’s blood, the report said, but in a “therapeutic” and harmless concentration. A drug for depression and another painkiller, which is also used to treat opioid addiction, have also been proven. However, these did not contribute to Presley’s death, it said.

Lisa Marie Presley was nine years old when her famous father, rock ‘n’ roll legend Elvis Presley, died in 1977 at the age of 42. The singer’s only child survived the young “King” by only a dozen years – Lisa Marie died on January 12, 2023 at the age of 54. After the death, the family was involved in a months-long inheritance dispute.

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