Home » Li Yunze and Hong Kong Financial Secretary Discuss Financial Regulatory Cooperation and Interconnection

Li Yunze and Hong Kong Financial Secretary Discuss Financial Regulatory Cooperation and Interconnection

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Title: Chinese and Hong Kong Officials Discuss Strengthening Financial Regulatory Cooperation and Interconnection

Date: July 14, 2023

Li Yunze, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the State Financial Regulatory Administration, recently met with Paul Chan, the Financial Secretary of Hong Kong, to discuss various issues aimed at strengthening financial regulatory cooperation and deepening interconnection between the two regions.

During the meeting held on July 13, important economic and financial developments between Mainland China and Hong Kong were discussed, along with strategies to enhance collaboration in financial regulation. Both parties expressed their commitment to supporting the construction of Hong Kong as an international financial center.

Li Yunze emphasized the significance of maintaining a harmonious relationship and fostering communication channels between Mainland China and Hong Kong. He emphasized the need for continued cooperation in financial regulatory matters to ensure stability and robust economic growth in both regions.

The discussion also centered on deepening interconnection between the financial markets in Mainland China and Hong Kong. The officials recognized the importance of closer ties and the potential benefits for both regions. This collaboration would facilitate investment opportunities, boost capital flows, and further strengthen the financial sectors of both Mainland China and Hong Kong.

The meeting between Li Yunze and Paul Chan highlights the commitment of both Mainland China and Hong Kong to promote economic and financial development, enhance regulatory cooperation, and ensure the stability of their respective financial systems. The collaboration between these two financial powerhouses will contribute to the sustained growth and prosperity of the region.

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As the discussion concluded, both officials expressed their optimism for future collaborations and pledged to work together to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes. The meeting serves as an important step towards fostering closer ties between financial regulators in Mainland China and Hong Kong.

The outcome of this meeting is anticipated to have a positive impact on financial markets, strengthening the foundation for extensive cooperation in the future. The initiative to deepen interconnection and enhance regulatory cooperation is expected to contribute to the stability, resilience, and competitiveness of both Mainland China and Hong Kong’s financial sectors.

Overall, the meeting between Li Yunze and Paul Chan emphasized the commitment of both parties to collaboration in financial regulation and interconnection. It reinforces the importance of maintaining robust financial systems and ensuring continuous growth and development in Mainland China and Hong Kong.

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