Home » Threads App Rises in Popularity Despite Confusion with Instagram’s Threads

Threads App Rises in Popularity Despite Confusion with Instagram’s Threads

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Threads App Rises in Popularity Despite Confusion with Instagram’s Threads

Threads App Rises in Popularity Due to Confusion with Instagram’s Threads

After Meta’s Instagram team launched a social service app called Threads, another service also named Threads has recently made it to the App Store’s popular rankings, and even ranked 52nd in the world’s most popular download rankings.

The service, known as Threads, was launched in 2019 as an alternative to online collaboration services such as Slack. After Instagram recently launched Threads and attracted a large number of downloads and users in a short period of time, this tool called Threads has also increased a lot of downloads because of the same name.

From July 6th to 12th, the Threads tool service was downloaded at least 880,000 times, and it ranked 52nd in the App Store’s global hot downloads, even in Germany, Spain, Italy, and other EU countries and regions, squeezing into the top 10 most popular downloads.

However, the significant increase in downloads of the Threads tool service in the EU is not solely due to its popularity but is obviously related to Meta’s decision to prohibit users in the EU from using Instagram’s Threads service due to privacy policy issues. To further enforce this restriction, Meta strictly restricts access through VPN.

On the other hand, the website of the Threads tool service has seen a noticeable increase in traffic. In order to prevent further confusion, the Threads tool service has explicitly stated on its website page that it has no association with Instagram. To clarify this, they have also issued a statement on their Twitter page to avoid any mix-up.

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The popularity of the Threads tool service demonstrates the importance of unique branding and naming for apps. It serves as a reminder for developers to exercise caution while choosing a name that can easily be distinguished from similar products in the market.

1. Threads – App Store: [https://exampleappstorelink.com/threads]
2. Threads – Twitter page: [https://twitter.com/Threads]

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