Home » Mayor of Odessa Describes Russia’s Attack as ‘One of the Most Horrible Nights’ since 2022 Invasion

Mayor of Odessa Describes Russia’s Attack as ‘One of the Most Horrible Nights’ since 2022 Invasion

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Mayor of Odessa Describes Russia’s Attack as ‘One of the Most Horrible Nights’ since 2022 Invasion

Title: Russia Launches Major Attack on Odessa, Ukraine: Mayor Calls it “One of the Most Horrible Nights”

Date: [Current Date]

In a shocking escalation of tensions, Russia launched a significant attack on the city of Odessa, Ukraine on Wednesday night, leaving the mayor to declare it as “one of the most horrible nights” since the large-scale invasion in February 2022. While there were no casualties, the city experienced loud explosions and several people were injured by a downed Russian missile.

Hennadii Trukhanov, the mayor of Odessa, took to Facebook to express his dismay, stating, “We do not remember such a scale of attack since the beginning of a full-scale invasion. We are getting stronger with our righteous fury! We are grateful to the air defense system. It was a fierce air battle.”

According to reports from CNN journalists in Odessa, heavy shelling was heard around 2:00 am local time (7:00 pm ET Tuesday). The Ukrainian Air Force revealed that, for the second consecutive night, Russia targeted Odessa using Shahed cruise missiles and attack drones.

As a result of the attack, a grain and oil terminal was hit, resulting in damage to tanks and cargo equipment. A fire broke out at the site, which is currently being attended to by relevant services. In addition, an industrial facility in the Odessa district was also attacked, causing a civilian employee to sustain injuries. Two warehouses located in separate areas, one containing tobacco and the other fireworks, were damaged. Firefighters are currently working to extinguish a fire that has engulfed an area of over 3000 square meters.

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The Ukrainian air defenses managed to shoot down a cruise missile, identified as Kh-59, as it approached the coast. However, it hit a neighborhood within Odessa, creating a large crater and damaging several surrounding buildings. This incident resulted in three civilians being injured. In Koblevo, falling debris from the downed Shahed drones also damaged several buildings, further intensifying the destruction.

Tragically, the shockwave from missile and drone destruction also impacted several apartment buildings in Odessa’s residential complexes. At least six residents, including a 9-year-old boy, sought medical attention due to injuries caused by glass fragments and other objects.

The attack on Odessa has caused widespread panic and raised concerns about the continuing escalation of the conflict. The Ukrainian government, along with international organizations, are closely monitoring the situation and working towards a resolution to ensure the safety and security of the residents of Odessa.

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