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The 8 rules to live healthier and longer

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The 8 rules to live healthier and longer

Man has always been on the hunt for rules for living longerlooking for an elixir of life. If the magic pill does not seem to exist, it is now certain that some lifestyles, together with genetic factors, can really lengthen existence.

Now international research centers focus much more on the prevention of chronic diseases, rather than on cures. Along these lines the experts discussed a new study a NUTRITIONthe meeting of the American Society of Nutrition held annually in the United States.

Rules for living longer: here is the list drawn up by the experts

The researchers scrutinized the data of more than 700,000 American veterans. There is a rich database on the health of soldiers who went on war missions for Washington.

The analysis and comparison of information have led the experts to draw up a with bail in 8 pointswhere they indicated the 8 rules to live healthier longer:

do regular physical activity,
not smokingfollow a good diet,
sleep wellnot be addicted to opioid drugs,
know how to manage stressdo not abuse alcohol,
have positive social relationships.

Rules for living longer: which are the most important?

The results of the study leave no room for doubt, also given the breadth of the data examined. Those who at 40 followed all 8 rules had a life expectancy of 24 years higher than those who did not follow these recommendations. Women have a smaller advantage calculable in about 3 years. So life expectancy is longer than 21 years.

Not all rules have the same impact. The most important are:

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regular physical activity, cigarette smoking, opioid use.

These three habits alone affect a lot, between 30 and 45%.

Abuse of alcohol, poor diet, insomnia or in any case not resting properly account for 20%. The absence of positive social relationships accounts for 5%.

It’s never too late to start

It was once said that the first 40 years are paid in the second 40 years. In reality, if healthy lifestyles are embraced even at this age, much can still be done. Following these rules even when you’re mature, still helps you live longer and healthier. While of course the effects are minor, for experts they are still significant.

But there’s more. The researchers point out that adopting just a few of these lifestyles has a big impact on lifespan.

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