Home » now for him a single room and playstation in a security residence – breaking latest news

now for him a single room and playstation in a security residence – breaking latest news

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now for him a single room and playstation in a security residence – breaking latest news

Luca Delfino, sentenced to 16 and a half years for the murder of Antonella Multari, was released from prison in La Spezia on Saturday morning reaching the Residence for security measures (Rems) of Villa Caterina shortly after 7, on the heights of Genoa Prà . Delfino will have to stay in the Genoese structure for 6 and a half years, where he will stay in a single room and will be able to have television and playstation, but no internet or devices capable of communicating with the outside world.

The protests

Delfino had been investigated and then acquitted for the murder of another ex, Luciana Biggi, murdered in the alleys of Genoa in 2006. From prison he would have tried to organize the murder of Luciana’s twin sister, Bruna. Rems rules provide that his family members can visit him once a month. Last Thursday about fifty inhabitants of the area demonstrated against the Rems, which previously housed a facility for the disabled. Among the inhabitants there are fears of escapes as has already happened in the past: the last one on 20 July.

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