Home » The Taliban once again found a nation in the world three did not expect! |Taliban|U.S.|U.S. Army_Sina News

The Taliban once again found a nation in the world three did not expect! |Taliban|U.S.|U.S. Army_Sina News

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Original title: The Taliban re-established a nation, the world‘s three did not expect it!

Source: Niu Tanqin

The American defeat and the return of the Taliban are an indisputable fact.

The most powerful country in the world has not defeated a guerrilla force in one of the poorest countries in the world. Moreover, it was so embarrassed when it finally retreated, which is really shocking.

Regarding the return of the Taliban in Afghanistan and the re-establishment of the country, it is completely personal. At least three in the world did not expect it.

The first one did not expect the Taliban to be so strong.

There have been many analyses on the destructive victory and the effect determined by transmission, including the tight organization of the Taliban, the firm will, the belief in victory, and so on.

It’s all critical. But I think there may be several other factors.

1. Negative publicity in the United States and the West.

Basically, they are one-sided, and they are all evils of the Taliban: the six relatives do not recognize, kill people without blinking, retaliate by killing villages and cities, and so on.

It is not ruled out that there are such extreme situations, but it is not ruled out that there are ingredients that add oil and vinegar. final result? It is actually the fear of the Afghans. As a result, the Taliban finally called, but the Taliban soldiers hadn’t charged yet, and scared the government forces and fled.

Therefore, publicity has always been a big problem. The unrealistic propaganda in the West sometimes actually helps the Taliban.

2. The quiet action of the United States.

Needless to say this. Sudden withdrawal, especially the sudden withdrawal of American troops from the base camp Bagram Air Force Base. The day before, everything was fine, and I said that I would not leave; the next morning, the Afghan army discovered that the Americans had sneaked away in the middle of the night…

There was no handover ceremony, no greetings, and a sudden withdrawal in the middle of the night. Americans are so afraid, what would a corrupt government army think?

More afraid of the Taliban. People used to say that defeat in the army is like a mountain, and the wind and the grass are all soldiers. In fact, it is almost like this.

3. The United States armed the Taliban.

Don’t be surprised, you will know by looking at the photos.

The above picture shows the special forces currently deployed by the Taliban to Kabul. How are they equipped?

American-style helmets, night vision goggles, M4 submachine guns, armed Hummers, etc.

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Can these Taliban produce? Certainly not, but it doesn’t matter.

There are no guns, no artillery, and their own enemy (US military) will send them.

Some were sent directly by the U.S. military and the Taliban confiscated from fighting with the U.S. military; some were transported between the U.S. military. The U.S. military armed the government forces with tens of billions of dollars, and the government forces handed over all U.S. weapons and equipment to the Taliban.

Therefore, American military aid sometimes has another effect.

The second one did not expect the Taliban to exercise such restraint.

Still very restrained, and also very ironic.

It must be noted that the number of people who died in the Taliban’s capture of Kabul is not as many as the number of people who died in the U.S. military’s evacuation at the Kabul airport.

Now, Kabul City is in the hands of the Taliban; Kabul Airport is controlled by about 6,000 American soldiers.

After all, after 20 years of fighting, a sea of ​​blood and blood, if the Taliban can’t bear it:

1. Throw a few bombs at the airport, and the airport will be over and the plane can’t take off, so many Americans don’t want to run;

2; If the Taliban rushed into the airport, it would be a bloody battle. No matter how powerful the Americans are, they cannot afford to walk around.

But the Taliban are very restrained. If you want to withdraw from the United States, you will withdraw. I will not enter the airport for the time being.

From the other side, the Taliban’s forbearance also appeared.

After all, the Taliban is not more than before. What the Taliban wants is political power, and they don’t want to intensify their relations with the United States. Anyway, you are all leaving.

Goodbye, American.

Of course, it does not rule out that a certain behavior in the United States angers the Taliban, or that a certain Taliban fighter cannot contain hatred and does not obey the rules. That would be a disaster.

The third did not expect the Taliban to change.

There are indeed some changes.

Restraint is a kind of change, of course, change is still in many areas.

Yesterday, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said something like this:

I noticed that some people repeatedly emphasized their distrust of Atta. What I want to say is that nothing in the world is set in stone. We advocate the use of comprehensive, connected, and developing dialectical thinking to understand, treat, and deal with problems. It depends not only on what has happened in the past, but also on the present; not only listening to what is said, but also watching what is done. If you do not keep pace with the times, but cling to fixed thinking and ignore the development of the situation, then you will be looking for a sword, and you will not be able to draw practical conclusions. In fact, the rapid evolution of the situation in Afghanistan also shows that the outside world lacked objective judgment on the situation in Afghanistan in the past, and lacked an accurate grasp of Afghan public opinion. In this regard, certain Western countries in particular should learn a lesson.

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She also said that China has noticed some signals released by the Taliban:

The Afghan Taliban leaders and spokespersons have publicly stated through different channels many times that Atta wants to solve the problems faced by the people, satisfy the people’s wishes, and is committed to building an open and inclusive Islamic government. They also stated that Atta is committed to equality for all and eliminating discrimination. , Has announced the pardon of former government employees, and will protect women’s rights to freedom of speech, employment, and education. Ata spokesperson also said that it will take responsible actions to protect the safety of Afghan people and foreign missions in Afghanistan, and is willing to establish good relations with other countries, and will never allow anyone to use Afghan territory to threaten other countries.

What’s the meaning?

China is watching carefully.

If you don’t wear tinted glasses, the Taliban does change. For example, after entering the city, the Taliban kept issuing Anmin notices: not seeking revenge, protecting private property, respecting human rights and women, pardoning people working for foreign countries, and so on.

In addition, Taliban spokespersons frequently accept interviews with reporters from all walks of life, and even take the initiative to call foreign reporters. Many Western officials do not have this kind of sincerity.

In addition, the Taliban’s diplomatic work, sending delegations to Russia, Iran, and China, negotiating with the United States, negotiating with the United Kingdom, and negotiating with Germany, the diplomatic ability is also impressive.

To be honest, the Taliban is still the Taliban, but there are still many differences between the Taliban 20 years later and the Taliban 20 years ago.

Of course, the shadow of the extreme policies 20 years ago, the world was too impressed. It is understandable that many Afghans are afraid of the Taliban’s revenge, or return to an extremely conservative and cruel society.

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Especially for Afghan women, the current worries and fears are also an indisputable fact.

In addition, we must also see that the Taliban is a political and military group composed of thousands of people. Certain fighters who do not listen to restraint are not excluded, and they create some vicious cases, such as taking people to women according to old rules. The act of pointing, the Afghan people will be more fearful, and the world will also distrust the Taliban even less.

The Taliban should also be very careful and restrain their troops as much as possible. Including the requirement that the troops not attack Kabul and harass civilians and former government officials at will.

It is also certain that the Taliban is the Taliban after all. The Taliban leaders have made it clear that it is impossible to implement a democratic system and Afghanistan will be an Islamic emirate in the future.

But the Taliban’s ability to make certain clear promises is actually a major change. Especially at the press conference, the Taliban spokesperson said: We will forgive you and ask you to forgive us.

This sentence is still very bold, and the amount of information is not small.

Therefore, Hua Chunying wants to say: It depends not only on the past, but also on the present; not only listen to what he says, but also watch what he does.

Now, the whole world is watching to see whether the Taliban can fulfill their promises and whether they will move toward positive tolerance.

As someone who has worked in Afghanistan, I still hope that the Taliban can change. The world has undergone major changes that have not been seen in a century, and it is not enough to remain unchanged. This should also be a good thing for the Taliban and Afghanistan.

After 40 years of fighting, the Afghans are too pitiful.

Of course, no matter what, we must maintain a sense of worry and bottom line, and be prepared for the worst.

In the past two days, too many tragedies in Afghanistan have made people a little uncomfortable. In the end, I’ll give some inspiration. After reading a paragraph, Americans certainly didn’t expect it, but it’s still very interesting:

If you sometimes feel like you have done nothing,

Don’t forget, there is a country called the United States,

Changed 4 presidents,

Spent two trillion dollars,

More than 2,000 soldiers died,

Fought for 20 years,

Successfully changed the Afghan regime from the Taliban to the Taliban.

Editor in charge: Zhang Di


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