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Another burning of the Koran in Stockholm News.at

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Another burning of the Koran in Stockholm  News.at

The two men, who had held two similar demonstrations in Stockholm in the past few weeks, also showed pictures of Muslim dignitaries and then kicked them.

The demonstration took place on Mynttorget, which is in close proximity to the Swedish Parliament and the Royal Castle. The square is on the busiest tourist route through Stockholm’s Old Town. According to the Swedish news agency TT, the two demonstrators still had little audience. Several passers-by expressed their displeasure with the action.

Sweden is working with neighboring Denmark, where similar burnings of the Koran recently took place, to take joint action to ban such rallies in certain cases. Ten days ago, angry demonstrators set fire to the Swedish embassy in Baghdad. The burning of the Koran also recently had diplomatic consequences.

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On Monday, the foreign ministers of a total of 57 Muslim countries wanted to discuss the burning of the Koran in Denmark and Sweden. The meeting takes place within the framework of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and should be held online. The organization based in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, revoked the status of Sweden’s special envoy at the OIC last week in protest against the burning of the Koran.

The Swedish government has since tried to calm the situation. Foreign Minister Tobias Billström also sent a message to his ministerial colleagues from all 57 OIC countries, explaining the Swedish legal situation and at the same time emphasizing that the Swedish government opposes the burning of the Koran. The burning of the Koran is also considered to be one of the reasons why Turkey has not yet ratified Sweden’s accession to NATO.

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