Home » Without a license and insurance he pretends to be another, reported [notiziediprato.it]

Without a license and insurance he pretends to be another, reported [notiziediprato.it]

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Without a license and insurance he pretends to be another, reported [notiziediprato.it]

07.08.2023 h 17:01 comments

Without a license and insurance he pretends to be another, reported

He told the municipal police officers that he had forgotten the documents and provided the personal details of a person actually residing in Prato but it was not him. Car impounded

Stopped for a check driving a car, which turned out to be uninsured, he provided false personal details to the municipal police officers to try to pass himself off as another person. It happened yesterday Sunday August 6th. a man, of Italian nationality, was thus reported for impersonation and sanctioned for driving without a license and traveling without insurance coverage. The car was impounded.

When the agents checked him, the driver of the car, without insurance, declared that he had no identification document with him and provided his personal details, declining name, surname, date of birth and residence. The agents carried out all the usual checks on the name provided which, in fact, was found to be a resident of Prato and the holder of a valid driving licence. However, the man was impatient to leave and tried to quickly conclude the investigation against him, a circumstance that made the agents suspicious who, also thanks to the help of the operations centre, found the image of the driving license of the person corresponding to the given name. By carefully checking the photograph of the driving document, although very similar to the face of the driver of the vehicle being tested, elements that did not fully correspond emerged which created doubts about the real identity provided. Further investigations were therefore triggered which revealed that the motorist had provided false personal details since he did not have a driving license.

Associated local editions: Prato

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Date of the news:
07.08.2023 h 17:01

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