Home » Sudden River Surge in Ya’an, Sichuan: Many People Washed Away

Sudden River Surge in Ya’an, Sichuan: Many People Washed Away

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Headline: Tragedy Strikes as Many People Are Washed Away in Ya’an, Sichuan due to Sudden River Surge

August 9, Ya’an, Sichuan – More than 10 people were tragically washed away on August 9 in Ya’an, Sichuan, after a sudden and severe river surge at the popular tourist spot known as Yulinba in Yucheng District. The incident occurred at approximately 10 o’clock in the morning when individuals were taking pictures and checking in at the area, which is known for its social media fame.

Initial reports from authorities indicate that some individuals were swept away by the rapidly rising water. Search and rescue operations are currently underway to locate and rescue those affected by the disaster.

The Ya’an Water Conservancy Bureau and the Ya’an Meteorological Bureau had previously issued a yellow warning for mountain torrent disaster meteorological risks on August 8 at 17:20. Despite these warnings, the sudden surge caught people off guard, resulting in this tragic event.

Authorities are conducting a thorough investigation into the incident to determine its cause and prevent similar accidents from happening in the future. Both local and national officials are assessing the circumstances surrounding the river surge and will take appropriate measures to ensure public safety.

The community is standing in solidarity with the affected families, offering support and condolences during this difficult time. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of heeding weather warnings and taking necessary precautions when venturing into potentially dangerous areas.

As search and rescue efforts continue, the local authorities and emergency services are doing everything possible to locate and save those who were washed away in Ya’an. The government is committed to coordinating and providing assistance to the affected families, and will continue to keep the public informed about any developments in the ongoing rescue operation.

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Our thoughts and prayers go out to the individuals and families affected by this heartbreaking tragedy in Ya’an, Sichuan.

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