Home » Sicca Syndrome: When the eye is too dry

Sicca Syndrome: When the eye is too dry

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Sicca Syndrome: When the eye is too dry

In Mainz, the Sicca Syndrome is diagnosed and treated using modern methods

MAINZ. The Sicca Syndrome, also known as “dry eyes”, is one of the most common eye diseases. It should always be treated by an ophthalmologist, as there is a risk of damage to the cornea, which can lead to blurred vision and promote eye infections. Those affected complain of a foreign body sensation, itching or pain in the eye, which may be red. Paradoxically, lacrimation can also occur.

Ophthalmologist from Mainz informs: How does Sicca Syndrome come about and how is it diagnosed?

The reason for dry eyes is often the formation of too little tear fluid, which is supposed to constantly wet the surface of the eye, or its different composition. The tear film nourishes the cornea and at the same time protects it from drying out and the penetration of germs. There is a lubricating layer directly on the cornea, which, among other things, ensures optimal gliding of the eyelid. On the outside, a thin phase of fatty substances protects against drying out. There is water between the two layers. The ophthalmologists of the Mainz group practice Dr. Thomas Kauffman, Dr. Jutta Kauffman and Dr. Stefan Breitkopf can use modern medical technology to precisely determine the composition of the tear fluid.

Modern diagnostic methods for the Sicca Syndrome enable successful treatment in Mainz

“With the help of a special device platform, we can carry out various examinations with which we can track down the cause of the disease. The test results show us the way to an individually tailored therapy,” explains Dr. Thomas Kauffman.

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The classic treatment methods include eye drops, gels or ointments that have to be put in the eye several times a day. Sometimes the punctum is also closed with a mini-plug. An innovative process works with infrared pulsed light. This so-called E-Eye treatment is painless and promises long-term relief for many sufferers. General recommendations include drinking plenty of fluids, using a humidifier at home, and regular eyelid trimming.

Your ophthalmologist in Mainz / Wiesbaden with a wide range of services: Dr. Jutta Kauffmann, Dr. Thomas Kauffman and Dr. Stephen Breitkopf. Do you have questions about diagnostics, treatment or surgery for eye diseases such as cataracts or glaucoma? We also specialize in multifocal lenses, retinal detachment, strabismus (strabismus) and botox treatments.

Ophthalmologists Mainz
dr medical Thomas Kauffman
Göttelmannstr. 13a
55130 Mainz
06131 5 78 400

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