Home » Guizhou’s “Village BA” Basketball League: A Unique Blend of Sports and Agriculture

Guizhou’s “Village BA” Basketball League: A Unique Blend of Sports and Agriculture

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[Title]: Guizhou “Village BA” Basketball League Finals Conclude with a Spectacular Match

[Subtitle]: Leading pigs, cattle, and sheep back to hometown to celebrate the success of the tournament.

[Date]: August 14, 2023

[Source]: China News Network

On the evening of August 13th, the second “Beautiful Village” Basketball League in Guizhou Province came to a thrilling climax with the Southeast Guizhou Division finals. The event showcased the agricultural charm and original flavor of the region, enchanting both players and spectators.

During the intense game, Du Feng, the former head coach of the Chinese men’s basketball team, along with players from the Guangdong Hongyuan basketball team, graced the “Village BA” court to interact with fans, igniting their enthusiasm.

Du Feng, the former head coach of the Chinese men’s basketball team, expressed his admiration for the enthusiasm displayed by the “village BA” players, stating, “Players can feel the enthusiasm of ‘village BA’ at close range and learn from them the love for basketball and the pursuit of sportsmanship. I hope that our players can improve themselves and make due contributions to Chinese basketball.”

Zhang Wenyi, a player from the Guangdong Hongyuan Team, delightedly exclaimed, “I have never experienced such a grand and passionate basketball atmosphere. The whole experience, including the fans and the audience, was unprecedented for me.”

The match between Kaili City Team and Majiang County Team was filled with excitement and delivered an engaging performance to the audience. Ultimately, Kaili City emerged victorious with a score of 65:51, securing the championship of the Qiandongnan Division Final.

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Reflecting on the game, Wu Jun, a player from the Kaili City representative team, commented, “Our overall performance today was good, but there are still some areas where we need improvement, such as defense. We need to continue working together as a team. As the number of spectators increases, the players get more excited to perform.”

Wei Xingdong, a player from the Majiang County Team, drew strength from the audience and his hometown. He expressed gratitude for their support, saying, “The encouragement from my hometown people gave me the courage to stand on this stage and perform.”

Apart from the thrilling basketball action, unique agricultural prizes were distributed to the winning teams. The Kaili City representative team received 1 yellow ox and 20 bags of Taijiang carp kiss rice, while the Majiang County representative team was awarded 2 Hu sheep and 20 bags of selenium rice. These prizes not only represent the local characteristics but also serve as a gesture to promote the region’s special agricultural products.

Zhang Hongfa, a player from the Majiang County team, proudly stated, “The prizes given to us are all local specialties, reflecting our customs and habits. We will share this honor with friends from all over the country.”

Cen Jianglong, the Director of Taipan Village Committee in Taijiang County, emphasized the importance of maintaining the village flavor while promoting local agricultural products. “We will continue to showcase our special agricultural products through the platform of ‘Village BA’ and better promote our region’s unique offerings,” he said.

The “Village BA” phenomenon has attracted numerous tourists who seek farming interest, original taste, and happiness. The vibrant atmosphere and support for the players have truly captivated the essence of rural sports.

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Zhou Hua, a tourist from Fujian, expressed her appreciation for the uniqueness of the event. She said, “Seeing rice and sheep as prizes is very special and better than cash. It promotes rural development in terms of rice cultivation and animal husbandry. The ‘Village BA’ concept reflects the rural characteristics, setting it apart from the urban setting. The event’s long-term development is more distinctive and attractive.”

The Guizhou “Village BA” Basketball League Finals were reported by Tai Guangju, Yangzhou, Tai Guangzheng, Tao Guohua, from Guizhou, Qiandongnan.

[Editor]: Luo Pan

[Copyright Statement]: The copyright of China News Service belongs to China News Agency. Unauthorized use of this content will be subject to legal investigation and responsibility.

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