Home » “One Piece Live”: a dynamic series with the right tricks.

“One Piece Live”: a dynamic series with the right tricks.

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“One Piece Live”: a dynamic series with the right tricks.

In a world like that of One Piece, in which there are many characters different from each other with particular characteristics and powers, the creation of the live show was captivating, dynamic and fresh, managing to give life to a series (first season) that has been able to catalyze the attention of fans of the Straw Hair Crew but also of those who have only heard of them.

The international nature of the production was a winning weapon and this goes to Netflix and the entire production, for wanting to create something not limited to a niche and managing the narrative quickly with an action-packed plot and giving the right attention to each protagonist, without aping the paper and cartoon versions, into which it would have been easy to slip but adding a novel appeal.

Many gems (Easter eggs) during the episodes, including the song that Brook sings, Bink’s sake in the animated series during the Thriller Bark saga, used as background music when Shank is at the inn in the village of Foosha where Luffy lives, or the bounty of Foxy, Jango, Cavendish and Bellamy appearing posted on a wall or even when, Zoro is injured, Nami reads him the story of Noland the Liar…

The producers left nothing to chance, Oda’s hand can be seen in the details that made the series as close as possible to the manga and the anime, especially when it comes to the atmosphere. Logically it is unthinkable to be able to give life to something pure fantasy that can seem totally real, so we have some scenes, such as those set in Arlong Park which seem to be created in a water park or at the Gardaland pirate attraction.

If at first glance the protagonists may leave the spectators a little estranged, their acting and their way of acting make them immediately captivating but above all it shows how they have studied their counterparts in the manga and in the anime, as they reproduce their attitudes in every detail. It leaves Buggy the Clown a little perplexed as he reminds me more of the Joker inserted in an IT-style context, too dark and sadistic to the detriment of his braggadocious way with a hint of humor which then leads to bad impressions.

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However, I find the excessive presence of Kobi completely out of place, with aspects of the story that slow down its dynamism, such as the narrative choice to reveal who Luffy’s grandfather is after a few episodes. Vice Admiral Garp. The politically correct factor also affected this production, as Sanji only lights his cigarette once.

However, a valid and widely exploited title, showcasing all its potential, in some cases making it even more fluid, for example by limiting the duration of the fights, thus focusing on the journey of the crew and their personality.

Now all we have to do is wait for the second season that Netflix has already announced, to see Luffy in the new adventures to become the Pirate King.

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