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here’s what happens – Scientific news.it

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here’s what happens – Scientific news.it

Eating a pear every day confers a number of health benefits, particularly because they provide an abundant range of dietary fibre, essential micronutrients and antioxidants. This delicious fruit, with its intrinsic ability to improve digestive health, which can also boost immune function and promote cardiovascular well-being, can certainly counteract the saying that an apple a day keeps the doctor away: even a daily pear can have very positive benefits.

The daily pear: a path to well-being

Starting your day with a pear can lead to a cascade of health benefits. Pears, rich in antioxidants such as vitamin C, strengthen the immune system, improving the health of the skin and teeth and fighting inflammation.[1]

Power of the pear for digestion

Pears are digestive superheroes, containing more fiber than a cup of kale. Their fiber content helps with weight management and reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes.[2] Additionally, pears make bathroom visits easier, thanks to their high fiber content.[2]

Gut health and more

Eating pears daily can support gut health by nourishing beneficial probiotic bacteria with prebiotic fiber. Pears are also rich in various plant compounds that improve cardiovascular and visual health.[3] Their anti-inflammatory properties protect against diseases such as diabetes and heart problems.[4]

Pears: a nutritional powerhouse

Pears provide a rich punch of vitamins A, B, C and E, along with folic acid and essential minerals. They fight infections, fight aging and protect the heart. Pears are anti-cancer agents and relieve constipation, making them a perfect addition to your daily diet.[6]

Pears: the fruit of well-being all year round

Don’t limit your pear consumption to seasonal peaks. Eating pears every day throughout the year can strengthen your health. They counteract respiratory problems and can offer vital nutrients. With daily pears you can control your weight, curb chronic diseases and provide your body with essential vitamins and minerals.[6]

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The 2021 study

According to a study published in BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies [9] in 2021 there is a long list of active compounds residing within the confines of the pear, including flavonoids, triterpenoids, and phenolic acids such as arbutin, chlorogenic acid, and malaxinic acid. The general opinion among researchers is that these treasures reside predominantly in the peel of the fruit. Among the benefits provided by these compounds is the potential to combat diabetes, obesity, hyperlipidemia, inflammation, mutagenesis and carcinogenesis.
Pears have also shown promise in detoxifying xenobiotics, boosting respiratory and heart health, and even for the skin. [9]

The compounds present in pears

According to the aforementioned study, pears exhibit a fascinating array of constituents, with water, sugar, and fiber as the mainstays. However, it is the phenolic compounds, triterpenes and glucosides that are the focus of attention, with their highest concentration contained in the peel. Within this cornucopia of compounds, arbutin, a skin-lightening wonder, emerges as a notable presence. Chlorogenic acid, with its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant ability, shines next.
Caffeic acid, although in modest quantities, shows promise in neuroprotection and collagen production. Flavonoids, especially abundant in immature Korean pears, bring their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory charm to the table. And then there’s malaxinic acid, a potential warrior against cancer and oxidative stress.[9]


What are the benefits of consuming pears daily?

Daily consumption of pears offers numerous benefits, including increased vitamin C intake, improved digestion thanks to the fiber and anti-inflammatory properties.

Are pears good for digestion?

Yes, pears are rich in fibre, essential for digestion, contributing to the maintenance of ideal weight and the prevention of type 2 diabetes.

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How can pears affect gut health?

Pears contain prebiotic fiber which promotes intestinal health, nourishing beneficial probiotic bacteria and supporting the removal of waste and toxins.

Can pears reduce diabetes risk?

Yes, pears have a low glycemic index and can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by up to 21% thanks to their beneficial phytonutrients.

What other health benefits do pears offer?

Pears are rich in antioxidants, can fight inflammation, protect the heart, prevent cancer and improve digestion.

What nutrients are found in pears?

Pears contain vitamins A, B, C and E, folic acid, potassium, mineral salts, fiber and antioxidants, making them ideal as vitamin supplements.

Do pears have antibacterial properties?

Yes, thanks to tannins and caffeic acid, pears protect the body from infections and help fight free radicals, delaying aging.

How can pears contribute to disease prevention?

Pears can protect the heart, prevent cancer and relieve digestive problems, making them a valuable ally in health and well-being.



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