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what to see, the main events

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what to see, the main events

The program of the T-Tour section of IF2023 is underway. Over 130 events including laboratories, workshops, interactive conferences, shows, exhibitions and installations: a journey dedicated to the #artificial that creates #school

News in sight for the section T-Tour Of #IF2023 that after last year’s sold out will open the doors of Le Benedettine Conference Center starting from Wednesday 4 Octoberthus meeting the many requests of schools in the Pisa area, and beyond.

A calendar full of events, including laboratories, workshops, interactive conferences, shows, exhibitions and installations, which this year exceeds 130 with proposals both in person (between Wednesday 4th and Sunday 8th October) and online (from October to December). Educational and training courses intended for students, divided into age groups (6-10 years; 11-13 years; 14-18 years)which is accompanied by atraining offer designed for teachers articulated in 4 masterclass in presence with focus, among other things, on communication tools in training contexts and on the relationships between affectivity and the digitalisation of relationships (7 and 8 October); And 2 online courses dedicated to the use of technologies in teaching (21 and 28 October). All courses are valid for the purposes of compulsory teacher training.

The key word

#artificial is also the key concept of the program T-Tour Of #IF2023 with training proposals that aim to underline the importance of experiences born in the #artificial field to strengthen skills in real life. And so room for laboratories where you can relive the creative experience of a Renaissance workshop; test yourself by learning to program the rovers that will be used for the landing on Mars; experiment with how flying objects are modeled. And then workshop to discover the technique of stop motion, paper animation, and to try their hand at using the 3D pen and creating artificial objects capable of improving daily life, starting from simple caps or toothpicks.

Educational experience in which play is transformed into an opportunity for reflection and growth, as in the case of the laboratory dedicated to Nabbowaldo video game, which will talk about computer security, cyber threats and countermeasures to defend oneself; or in the show SuperPartes in which it will be necessary to face the challenge of electing a ‘fit’ President of the Republic an artificial intelligence: will it be the right choice? There will also be space to reflect on the more conscious use of one’s image on social media and to address the topic of communication.

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But you can also get involved by talking about emotions and narratives in the laboratory Emoji count; doing live coding experiences under the banner of live music, in the workshop Live Coding: the programming of new DJs; and also attending the screening of the documentario Coded Bias, in which the prejudices and stereotypes hidden behind Artificial Intelligence are explored. And speaking of cinema, don’t miss the challenge IA vs Umani which will compare two short films, one made by Artificial Intelligence and the other by a team of people.

To talk about young people and passions, great anticipation for the meeting The editorial revolution of bookmakershosted by the journalist Sara Scarafia, among the first to take an interest in the phenomenon of very young editorial influencers, who in a short time have become a community capable of determining the rankings of best-selling books, transforming not only new releases, but also classics into real bestsellers. Expected in Pisa are: Sofia Raffagnato @brezzapoetica, Federica d’Angelo @sogno.libri, Victor Zanfretta @vctordiamandis. The event will be broadcast live on TikTok. A decidedly original appointment with the show Brief history of Intelligence, curated by Davide Barbafiera and dei Sacchi di Sabbia (production of IF and I Sacchi di Sabbia), with the actors in detention from the Don Bosco Prison Theater School and the extraordinary participation of Ico ei Casi Umani. A journey through the centuries of human intelligence between irony and reflection.

In addition to the Le Benedettine Conference Center, the events of the section T-Tour they will take place at the Teatro Sant’Andrea, at the Cinema Arsenale, at the Polo Fibonacci and at the Rjc Soft headquarters.

All T-Tour events are free and freely accessible while places last. To book scheduled activities, simply connect to the site www.internetfestival.it and follow the directions for each event. It is not necessary to print the paper ticket

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Internet Festival 2023 is promoted by the Tuscany Region, the Municipality of Pisa, the .it Registry and the Institute of Informatics and Telematics of the Cnr, the University of Pisa, the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, the Scuola Normale Superiore together with the North-West Tuscany Chamber of Commerce, the Province of Pisa and Science Festival Association. The planning and organization are by Fondazione Sistema Toscana.

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