Home » U.S. Government in Talks to Ensure Safe Passage of Americans and Civilians Out of Gaza

U.S. Government in Talks to Ensure Safe Passage of Americans and Civilians Out of Gaza

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U.S. Government in Talks to Ensure Safe Passage of Americans and Civilians Out of Gaza

U.S. in Talks with Egypt and Israel to Ensure Safe Passage of Americans Out of Gaza

(CNN) – The U.S. government is currently engaged in negotiations with partner countries, including Egypt and Israel, in an effort to secure the safe exit of American citizens and other civilians from the war-torn Gaza Strip, according to U.S. officials.

However, it has been revealed that Egypt is reluctant to open its border to allow civilians seeking refuge from the ongoing hostilities between Hamas and Israel to enter its territory. While Egypt is willing to establish a humanitarian corridor for the delivery of food and medical supplies to Gaza, it appears the country is hesitant to welcome fleeing civilians.

State Department spokesman, Matthew Miller, emphasized the importance of allowing American citizens to leave Gaza, asserting that the issue is under the U.S. government’s concern and active pursuit of a resolution. Miller further commented that their approach to resolving this matter is being handled discreetly, as is customary for their diplomatic efforts.

The pressure is mounting as U.S. citizens in Gaza express fear and frustration, feeling trapped and lacking a safe route out of the region as Israeli forces continue to bombard the area. Many Americans in Gaza have voiced their disappointment with the perceived lack of support from the U.S. government. Reports surfaced on Tuesday that Gaza’s only route, through Egypt, was closed due to the ongoing attacks, further exacerbating the predicament of those seeking to escape the violence. Additionally, the possibility of an Israeli ground offensive looms, heightening concerns for the safety of civilians caught in the conflict.

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National Security Adviser, Jake Sullivan, confirmed on Tuesday that discussions regarding the safe passage of civilians out of Gaza were ongoing with both Israel and Egypt. Sullivan refrained from providing specifics about the operational aspect of creating a humanitarian corridor but acknowledged that this was a matter that the United States government supported.

While no specific timeline has been disclosed by Sullivan or Miller regarding the establishment of a humanitarian corridor, it is understood that Sullivan has recently engaged in talks with Abbas Kamel, the Egyptian spy chief. Furthermore, it is expected that President Joe Biden will eventually engage in dialogue with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, underscoring the importance of resolving this issue promptly.

“Our top priority is protecting the safety of Americans abroad,” Miller asserted, echoing the sentiments expressed by President Biden, who has stressed the importance of safeguarding civilians and preventing unnecessary loss of life. The hope is for Israel to adhere to the laws of war and ensure the safety of all individuals caught in the conflict.

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