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MIO causes problems in arriving on time at work

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MIO causes problems in arriving on time at work

The ‘Cali How We’re Going’ program, in alliance with the Cali Chamber of Commerce, presented to the citizens the report “MIO How We’re Going”, in which the perception of citizens and businessmen about the Mass Transportation System is addressed in five installments. in the city, through the results of the Virtual Mobility Survey and the Survey of MYPES (micro and small businesses) affiliated with the Chamber of Commerce.

In previous reports (available at this link: Survey on the MIO), it was revealed that 28% of the inhabitants of Cali stated that they use the MIO daily to go to their place of work, study or main activity.

Of this group, approximately half (47 out of every 100) had to resort to another means of transportation to complement their routes within the MIO, with taxis, digital applications or informal transportation being the most frequent options.

Furthermore, 79% of Cali residents spend an hour or more on their usual trips. Of them, 72% state that moving through the system causes them stress, anguish or exhaustion.

Likewise, 75% say they feel unsafe within the system, while 53% have been victims of a crime, theft being the most common.

Micro and small businesses

In this new installment, some data was revealed about the impact of the MIO on the city’s micro and small businesses.

These data were compiled from a survey of MYPES carried out this year by the Cali Chamber of Commerce.

Initially, 36% of business owners surveyed indicated that they or their employees use the MIO to commute to work.

Of this group, 93% provided an estimate of the proportion of employees who use MIO in their companies.

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In 41% of companies, less than 20% of employees use MIO, in 31% between 20% and 50%, and in 28% more than 50% of employees use MIO as a means of transport.

On the other hand, 74% of the businessmen surveyed who use the MIO or have employees who use it stated that their workers have expressed discomfort with the current MIO service in the city.

Among the reasons cited, delays in routes (29.9%), insecurity (26.9%), limited supply of buses (13.4%) and traffic congestion (0.7%) were the main reasons for dissatisfaction.

Likewise, 58.2% of business owners stated that all of the above options contributed to the discomfort expressed by their employees.

According to the results obtained from the survey, 70% of business owners expressed that the current situation of the MIO service has caused problems in getting to work on time, both for them and for some of their employees who use the system.

Likewise, 85.6% of employers, or those with employees who use the MIO, consider it crucial to have a public service like the MIO for the regular performance of their employees in the company.

Likewise, 87.2% of the businessmen surveyed indicated the importance of having a massive public service like the MIO for the normal functioning and competitiveness of companies in the city.

Regarding mental health, 44.4% of the businessmen surveyed who use the MIO or have employees who use it, indicated that they were aware of cases of depressive symptoms, such as stress, anxiety, anguish and fatigue, associated with mental health problems. mobility with the MIO in Cali. On the other hand, 20% claim to have not perceived this problem among their employees.


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