Home » Archaeologists Uncover First Roman Port Neighborhood in Morocco’s Ancient City of Chellah

Archaeologists Uncover First Roman Port Neighborhood in Morocco’s Ancient City of Chellah

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Archaeologists Uncover First Roman Port Neighborhood in Morocco’s Ancient City of Chellah

Archaeologists in Morocco have discovered the first port neighborhood of Roman times in the country, dating back to the 1st and 2nd centuries AD. The historic building was found in the Chellah site, which is an ancient Roman city and necropolis located in Rabat, near the Bouregreg river.

This significant discovery came to light during ongoing excavation works that began in March. It is considered an important extension of the ancient city of Chellah, and among the findings are a public thermal complex, niches representing funerary columbariums, and a headless Roman statue depicting a feminine goddess. The thermal complex is believed to be one of the largest found in Morocco.

Aziz el Khyari, a professor at the National Institute of Archeology and Heritage, expressed that this discovery means Chellah will now join the three most important ancient cities in Morocco. Previously, only five hectares of the ancient city were known, but the recent findings suggest there is an entire ancient city waiting to be explored, covering an area of 300 hectares.

The Chellah site, which dates back to the Mauretanian-Roman era, is currently a popular tourist destination in Rabat. The excavation works have also uncovered remains of altars and sanctuaries, and future excavations aim to uncover the ancient port of the city of Sala, dating back to the 1st century AD.

The significance of this discovery lies in the indication that the ancient maritime city of Chellah was open to Mediterranean trade, with imports from Greece, the Iberian Peninsula, and other regions. Moroccan Minister of Culture, Mehdi Bensaid, described the finding as “very important and impressive,” and has expressed the goal of increasing tourist visits to Chellah to one million per year.

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Abdelaziz El Khayari, an archaeologist involved in the project, emphasized the importance of this discovery, as it is the first evidence of an ancient port neighborhood in Morocco. Further investigations and excavations will be conducted to determine the purpose and dating of these constructions, as well as to uncover more vestiges leading to the port of Salé.

The discovery of the Roman port neighborhood in Chellah represents a significant milestone in understanding Morocco’s ancient history and its connections to Mediterranean trade. The findings have the potential to attract more visitors and shed light on the region’s rich cultural heritage.

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