Home » Climate crisis, CO2 emissions can be reduced even by watching less TV

Climate crisis, CO2 emissions can be reduced even by watching less TV

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Climate crisis, CO2 emissions can be reduced even by watching less TV

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The television is now an object that everyone (or almost everyone) has at home. It is estimated that in Italy there are almost 43 million TVs, an impressive number when compared to the Italian population. With 43 million TVs, will consumption skyrocket? In reality, the report by the Fieschi and associates firm, active in impact measurement and sustainability consultancy, indicates exactly the opposite. There are more and more televisions and it is true: however at the same time – thanks to the many investments that have been made by companies and Europe’s ambitious objectives on the topic of energy efficiency – their climate impact is decreasing. For example, LED screen technology has brought about strong improvements.

Data and the climate crisis

Today, therefore, the relationship between televisions and emissions is not directly proportional, as it might have been until several years ago. According to data from the European Commission, although from 2010 to 2030 the European Union will go from 446 million to 626 million screens in circulation, greenhouse gas emissions will decrease: from 25 to 9 Mt CO2eq/a.

The result is also the result of European moves aimed at energy saving. On the one hand ecodesign, with increasingly strict repairability requirements, on the other energy efficiency which also includes an energy efficiency certification scheme on screens, which includes televisions.

The estimate is to achieve energy savings of 39 TWh per year by 2030, a result that would avoid the emission of 13 million tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. With a great benefit on the climate crisis side

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The energy class

It is very important to underline that now, before buying a television, you can see the corresponding energy class.

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