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A CNN Producer’s Account of Escaping the Conflict in Gaza

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A CNN Producer’s Account of Escaping the Conflict in Gaza

The unbearable reality of living through the war in Gaza: A CNN producer’s firsthand account

By Ibrahim Dahman, CNN

The early hours of Saturday, October 7 started with an unwelcome wake-up call for my family as my wife urged me outside to witness the rocket shots being fired towards Israel from Gaza. With my two young sons, we watched the barrage of projectiles and the looming uncertainty of our circumstances.

With a heavy heart, I documented the events for CNN, and as the violence escalated, I quickly made my way to CNN’s Gaza office, located near the largest hospital in the enclave. Knowing the dangers ahead, I asked my pregnant wife and children to remain in the safety of our home.

As the Israeli bombing campaign intensified, I witnessed the destruction wrought upon residential areas, forcing us to flee CNN’s office, which was threatened with attack. Israel then declared a “total siege” of Gaza, further escalating the humanitarian crisis.

Faced with imminent danger, I sought refuge for my family in a sturdy hotel and then moved to my sister’s house as missiles rained down on residential towers. However, we soon realized that we could not stay in our current location for long, as Israel called for the evacuation of citizens in northern Gaza.

The constant threat of airstrikes and the impending danger led us to a life of exhaustion and hopelessness. We struggled to find essential resources to survive, from food and water to energy and basic necessities. Even showering was a luxury, and the fear of being cut off from the world without a charged phone loomed over us.

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Despite the hardships, I was more concerned about protecting my children from the trauma of experiencing war firsthand. Their safety and well-being became my top priority, as we faced the harrowing reality of displacement and uncertainty.

Our lifeline finally came in the form of assistance from CNN and the American embassy, allowing us to cross into Egypt. After days of grueling uncertainty, we were met by support from my colleagues and were provided some respite from the trauma we had endured.

As I reflect upon the journey my family and I have endured, I am reminded of the countless others who remain trapped in Gaza, facing unimaginable suffering and hardship. The horrors of war continue to haunt us, and the search for peace remains a distant reality.

Leaving Gaza has provided us with a temporary reprieve, but the anguish and uncertainty of our future continue to weigh heavily on our minds. For us, and many others, the scars of this conflict will remain long after the bombings have stopped.

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