Home » the weekly diet -2 kg in 7 days after the holidays

the weekly diet -2 kg in 7 days after the holidays

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The diet per lose weight (suitable to her e his!) from the fresh menu (to feel a little more on vacation!) is one diet slimming which is based on the consumption of drinks and fresh food, to stimulate the metabolism by increasing the consumption of calories. If you start following this from now weekly diet still in the summer version, focusing on cold preparations with naturally light seasonal ingredients, you can lose up to 2 kg in a week.

MORE INTEGRAL NUTRIENTS: consuming cold food, especially if raw, reduces the degradation of some nutrients (such as vitamins and antioxidants) which degrade during cooking or oxidize rapidly in contact with air. If you then opt for freezer storage (or better still for the purchase of industrial frozen foods), you will have the advantage of being able to consume frozen even some foods that at the temperature of the refrigerator would tend to spoil. like oranges, papayas and bananas.

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– Breakfast: Cold omelette of egg whites, aromatic herbs and pepper; matcha latte with ice. – Snack: Shaken coffee; 3-4 almonds. – Lunch: Classic gazpacho with cherry tomatoes, pepper and chopped almonds; 1 slice of wholemeal bread with a slice of defatted cooked ham, cream of basil and quark. – Snack: Watermelon granita. – Price: Carrot cream with turmeric and 30 g of whole barley; 120 g of grilled chicken in salads; pineapple sorbet.


– Breakfast: Green tea; cold porridge with chia seeds, oat milk and raspberries. – Snack: Celery and pineapple smoothie. – Lunch: Zucchini granita with pepper, extra virgin olive oil and Parmesan flakes; 150 of fresh fish carpaccio; mixed salad; half a cereal bun. – Snack: Beetroot and mint sorbet. – Price: Warm vegetable soup with 30 g of brown rice; 70 g of bresaola with tomato and rocket salad; a melon popsicle.

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– Breakfast: Lassi with Greek yogurt, lemon, mint and 20g whole grain oatmeal. – Snack: Apricot granita. – Lunch: Cold kamut noodle salad with zucchini and shrimps; gazpacho with celery, lemon and thyme. – Snack: Iced cucumber, ginger and lime smoothie. – Price: 150 g of cod in foil; 1 raw grated red potato; salted granita with pepper and tabasco.


– Breakfast: Cold matcha latte; 2 slices of soybean bread with sugar-free jam. – Snack: Watermelon granita with 1 teaspoon of chopped pistachios. – Lunch: 60 g of defatted raw ham; melon gazpacho with 10 chopped pumpkin seeds; 1 slice of rye bread. – Snack: Peach ice lolly. – Price: Cold courgette cream with 30 g of spelled; 120 g of carpaccio with baby spinach and endive; mint sorbet.


– Breakfast: Cold matcha latte with 30 g of spelled flakes. – Snack: Coffee shaken with cinnamon. – Lunch: Cold salad of lentils and chickpeas; fennel and honey sorbet. – Snack: Mixed fruit and celery smoothie. – Price: 120 g of baked rabbit; Vegetable crudités; Peach Sorbet.


– Breakfast: Green tea; cold porridge with water, oats and blackberries. – Snack: Strawberry milkshake and soy milk. – Lunch: Warm octopus salad with potatoes; salty sorbet of zucchini and parsley. – Snack: Watermelon popsicle. – Price: Jerusalem artichoke cream; grilled endive; tomato granita with mozzarella and basil sauce; half a wholemeal sandwich.

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– Breakfast: 1 slice of apple pie; blueberry smoothie. – Snack: Coffee shaken with bitter cocoa. – Lunch: Cold salad of lentils, peppers, 60 g of tuna and diced tofu; zucchini granita. – Snack: 1 scoop of frozen yogurt. – Price: Shrimp bisque gazpacho; avocado and cherry tomato salad; mint and ginger granita.

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