Home » He feels bad in the middle of the night, but the medical guard is closed in Sacile and Pordenone: an odyssey to be cured

He feels bad in the middle of the night, but the medical guard is closed in Sacile and Pordenone: an odyssey to be cured

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The entrance to the former Sacile hospital

SACILE. Sudden abdominal pains at night and Nevio Zorzetto sought the medical guard in Sacile: he found himself in front of the lights out in the clinic. “I looked for the medical guard in Pordenone: absent.”

Zorzetto, a well-known face from Sacile (he was head of civic volunteers and mayoral candidate), did not give up. “I went to the emergency room in Pordenone – he says -. With 28 people waiting, I was told that the hopes of a visit were to be postponed to four the following morning. ‘ A hell.

«At this point – he adds – all that remains is the” flight “in healthcare in Veneto. At the Conegliano hospital for example. Health has no regional borders. “It is not possible to reach these levels in public health – protests Zorzetto -. Fortunately, my malaise was not serious, but we are faced with a paradox: what happened to the profit in the financial statements of the health company? Public money must be invested to guarantee doctors to the population, to those who pay taxes ».

And he adds. “Doctors are needed in Sacile and Pordenone. The mayors are called to intervene to protect public health ».

The flight into Venetian healthcare does not stop. “From Friuli we have become commuters in the hospitals of Vittorio Veneto, Conegliano, Motta di Livenza – concludes Zorzetto -. Things must change ».

Doctors are insufficient in the Livenza-Cansiglio-Cavallo socio-health sector: Michela Della Valentina, general practitioner in Brugnera, will close the clinic by December. The map of deficiencies prepared by Asfo indicates an empty place in Aviano for primary care, one in Budoia-Polcenigo-Caneva, two to three in Sacile after the suspension of a professional, one in Fontanafredda, one to two in Brugnera in four months.

“In the evening you cannot get sick in Sacile”. The No cuts to health committee reports the many absences of the medical guard, in the hospital unit in via Ettoreo. “The medical guard in Sacile is missing three days out of five – reports Gianfranco Zuzzi, activist of the Committee -. There are no doctors on guard duty and the citizens’ discomfort is that of the emergencies for sudden evening illnesses and also the psychological one, of never feeling calm ». Those arriving from the Pedemontana and finding the clinic closed in via Ettoreo often have to take the road to Pordenone in the middle of the night.

“Long times, health at risk, but we all pay the taxes for public health” sieve “- adds Zuzzi -. We also ask for a reduction in waiting lists and greater interest in the health center of Livorno, which seems to be abandoned to itself. Even from local politics “.—


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