Home Ā» Ministry of Foreign Affairs: China and South Korea will continue to cooperate to let more volunteer martyrs return to the motherland as soon as possible

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: China and South Korea will continue to cooperate to let more volunteer martyrs return to the motherland as soon as possible

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According to reports, China and South Korea held a handover ceremony for the eighth batch of the remains of the Chinese Peopleā€™s Volunteers in South Korea at the Incheon International Airport in South Korea on September 2.

In this regard, at today’s (3rd) Foreign Ministry’s regular press conference, spokesman Wang Wenbin said that yesterday morning, China and South Korea held a handover ceremony for the eighth batch of the remains of the Chinese Peopleā€™s Volunteers in South Korea at the Incheon International Airport in South Korea. This time, the two sides handed over the remains of 109 Chinese People’s Volunteers in Korea and related relics. This is the eighth consecutive handover of the remains of the Chinese Peopleā€™s Volunteers in South Korea in accordance with humanitarian principles and in a spirit of friendship and cooperation. Up to now, the remains of 825 Chinese Peopleā€™s Volunteers have returned to the motherland.

Wang Wenbin pointed out that in the past eight years, the handover of the remains of the Volunteers in South Korea has been smoothly progressed, which is inseparable from the cordial concern of the leaders of the two countries and the joint efforts of both sides. This cooperation of special significance embodies the common aspirations of China and South Korea to overcome historical barriers and create a peaceful and friendly future. It is an important achievement of China-South Korea relations advancing with the times. We are willing to work with the South Korean side to continue to cooperate in the handover of the remains of the Chinese People’s Volunteers in South Korea, so that more and more volunteer martyrs will return to the motherland as soon as possible. It is believed that with the joint efforts of both sides, China-South Korea friendly cooperative relations will surely achieve greater development. (CCTV reporter Shen Yang)

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