Home » Twinkle Twinkle Star: The Controversial Snow Resort Marketing and Box Office Success

Twinkle Twinkle Star: The Controversial Snow Resort Marketing and Box Office Success

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Twinkle Twinkle Star: The Controversial Snow Resort Marketing and Box Office Success

“Controversial ‘Snow Resort’ Marketing Behind the Movie “Twinkle Twinkle Star” Sparks Debate”

The highly anticipated movie “Twinkle Twinkle Star,” which is adapted from the popular TV series of the same name, hit theaters on December 30, 2023, raking in a staggering box office revenue of 225 million on its opening day. Despite its success, the movie’s unique “Snow Resort” marketing has sparked heated debates and controversies among audiences and theater workers.

The “Snow Resort” marketing strategy, which offered special screenings featuring artificial snowfall, generated a massive surge in ticket sales, leading to a near-sellout across the country. The film studio meticulously planned romantic “Snow Resort” events at 1,314 theaters, which offered a unique snowfall experience for moviegoers. Theaters that were not part of the official list also rushed to organize their own versions of the “Snow Resort” screenings, causing a widespread demand for snowmaking equipment and snow cans.

Fans of the original TV series, particularly female viewers under the age of 24, were drawn to the movie’s “Snow Resort” due to its romantic appeal and sense of ritual. Many viewers passionately sought after tickets to experience the unique event, even though a higher-than-normal refund rate and safety concerns arose.

The increased refund rate led to suspicion of unethical marketing practices and “water injection” behavior, as the film’s announcements of “Snow Resort” screenings came after many initial ticket purchases. Additionally, fire safety concerns relating to the use of artificial snow cans and snowmaking machines were raised, with reports of some theaters canceling their “Snow Resort” screenings due to the potential hazards.

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Despite the hype surrounding the “Snow Resort” marketing, several moviegoers and netizens expressed disappointment and discomfort with the experience. Some labeled the event as “embarrassing” and “fraudulent marketing,” as the snow scenes in the film were minimal, and the practical aspects of the “Snow Resort” did not live up to their expectations.

As the film studio continues to bask in the success of their marketing strategy in terms of box office performance, the ongoing controversies have put the long-term reputation and credibility of the movie at stake. The backlash has emphasized the importance of balancing lucrative marketing tactics with delivering a fulfilling and enjoyable experience for audiences.

Amidst the debates and discussions, the “Twinkle Twinkle Star” movie is a testament to the impact and complexities of modern-day movie marketing and audience expectations, raising important questions about the balance between commercial success and artistic integrity.

The Beijing News reporter Teng Chao conducted interviews and compiled the comprehensive analysis of the “Snow Resort” marketing strategy behind “Twinkle Twinkle Star.”

(Source: Beijing News)

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