Home » Five minutes a day for a month, the Japanese exercises that help you regain your ideal weight

Five minutes a day for a month, the Japanese exercises that help you regain your ideal weight

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Five minutes a day for a month, the Japanese exercises that help you regain your ideal weight

For an enviable weight, just five minutes a day for a whole month is enough: you will be a completely new person!

It is not at all easy to decide to start doing physical activity seriously. First of all, a significant economic and energy expenditure must be considered. And if you can overcome the first problem by training from home – a panacea for example for those who haven’t set foot in the gym for a long time, but don’t want to give up physical exercise – the second aspect, that is, time, is already more problematic .

5 minutes a day and you’ll be as good as new! – Ilciriaco.it

Among the thousand commitments of everyday life, the tiredness and the unexpected events that never fail, being able to carve out even just half an hour a day seems like a true miracle. But what if I told you that you can achieve stratospheric results with just 5 minutes of training a day? With the Zero Training method by personal trainer and yoga teacher Tomomi Ishimuragetting back into shape has never been so simple and effective.

By combining different disciplines together, Tomomi Ishimura has created a incredible method that is based on correct body posture: starting from this it is also possible to shape the figure and lose weight. But how exactly does it work? In addition to eliminating excess weight, you will also be able to harmonize all parts of your body – neck, shoulders, back, hips and feet – until you reach what Ishimura calls the zero position.

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Zero Training: what it is and why it can help you find your ideal weight even with just 5 minutes of exercise a day

The Zero Training method is particularly suitable for those who have difficulty losing weight or feel bloated or suffer from muscle pain. In fact, with the passage of time and due to bad postural habits and constant pressure to which we subject our bodythe body becomes sluggish, causing us to burn less fat and making it more difficult for us to lose weight.

Let’s discover the zero training method – Ilciriaco.it

To reverse this process, therefore, according to Tomomi Ishimura, the body must be brought back to its natural position, i.e. the zero position. In this way:

Improves blood circulation; Abdominals are strengthened; Weight loss is promoted; Abdominal swelling is reduced; Silhouette and posture improve;

But it doesn’t end here. The Zero Training method, in fact, it also has important benefits for the mind. The Zero posture, in fact, returns the mind to a state of calm, free of anxiety, dissatisfaction and stress, for a light mind, as if it had wings. But how is it practiced? All you need is 1 yoga mat, 3 large towels and 5 or 6 books, then lie on your back and perform the six simple exercises which consist of 5 stretches and 1 toning exercise.

And even if you feel particularly tired, all the exercises can be performed in a lying position, precisely because they focus primarily on relaxing the joints and muscles and then strengthening them. Most important thing, consistency is needed: the exercises must be done every day for at least four weeks in a row if you want to achieve excellent results.

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