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Clear edge against the right #clearedgeagainstright

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Clear edge against the right #clearedgeagainstright

You can think what you want of our current Federal Minister of the Interior, Nancy Faeser, and you can’t agree with everything that she pushes (data retention, etc.). But on one point she is definitely more than right: namely the required demarcation by entrepreneurs and companies from right-wing extremism. At a time when apps warn about products that come from Israel (“Don’t buy from Jews”) and business leaders in discussions with leaders of right-wing parties have no proximity to National Socialism (“Buttermilk on your eyes?”) can discover, this requirement has a maximum right to exist.

The 3 brands of ask (ask data protection, ask information security and ask Academy) are not systemically relevant. Our number of employees is manageable. Small but nice and in the end just a small drop in the ocean. But every voice counts and all of us in the team are united by the thought and conviction that it is time clear edge to the right to show. There is no place for National Socialist ideas here. Anyone who thinks that hate speech against Jews or foreigners in general or the abolition of the basic democratic order solves their personal problems or the challenges facing society in the face of the big (and often home-made) problems of the future has no business with us either as a team or as a customer. We will continue to provide (monetary) support to help organizations in the fight against right-wing extremism. But we also volunteer against the right, where possible, for example by voluntarily registering for jury positions, so as to leave no room for right-wing sympathizers.

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“You’re happy to be a Steutscher?” – Your thing. But not ours. #kla­re­kan­te­ge­gen­rechts

Addendum from December 12, 2023:

have us inter­es­san­te Feedback on this post was received via email. It contained the entire spectrum of right-wing whataboutism and justification nonsense, starting from “Today you can no longer say everything” above “There are also extremes on the left” right up to the point where we would be the stirrup holders of the coming surveillance state. Well, let’s just leave it as it is 🙂

We have now coordinated as a team and our annual donation went to the youth initiative “Not in the mood for Nazis”. A remarkable project that needs significantly more support and attention. The right-wing demagogues are successfully fishing through social networks and in front of schools and youth centers for unenlightened young people who are still susceptible to their slogans. Performs here “Not in the mood for Nazis” important educational work against right-wing extremism: “Kein Bock Auf Nazis (KBAN) is Germany’s largest independent youth initiative against right-wing extremism and racism. Since 2006, we have been supporting, networking and informing teenagers and young adults on the subject of the shift to the right, racism and neo-Nazis. We are loud. We encourage you. We help you get active.”

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