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Eliminate energy blockages with Asian massages

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Eliminate energy blockages with Asian massages

And even if you went to bed early, do you find it difficult to get going in the morning? Then the following Asian massages could be just right for you! The good thing: you only need a little time. The aim of the massages is to release energy blockages and thus get the circulation and lymph going. We have put together the seven most effective exercises for you. The highlight: You can do the exercises in one go or spread over the week. Each exercise is repeated 14 times. So, morning grouch, let’s go.

Open eyes! This massage widens the view and, if carried out regularly, smoothes frown lines: Massage synchronously with both index fingertips, first in a semicircle below the eyes and then below the brows. Start at the inner corner of your eye and slowly circle outwards.

How to start the day with concentration: Pat your head with your fingertips spread, starting at the crown – from front to back and to the sides. This promotes cerebral circulation and thus increases the ability to concentrate.

This is how you are guaranteed to relieve fatigue: With your flat hands, stroke the inside of your legs from the hip to the feet and the outside back to the hip. This stimulates blood circulation, makes the hips more mobile and the gait also becomes smoother.

This strengthens the lungs and heart: Place your right hand on your left shoulder. Slide your hand to your chest and circle it three times. Then stroke diagonally to the right thigh and back. Repeat the same thing with your left hand.

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On your hands, get set, go: Grab your left wrist with your right hand and massage over the back of your hand to your fingertips and back again. In this way you stimulate important acupressure points and train your dexterity.

Place your right hand on the inside of your left wrist. From there, slide your hand up to your shoulder. Now turn your arm inwards and let your hand slide back on the outside of your arm from your shoulder to your wrist. This releases tense shoulders and loosens wrists and elbows.

How to keep your knees supple: Rub your hands warmly and circle your knees with soft movements – 14 times to the right and 14 times to the left. Alternatively, you can also gently tap your knees with loose fists.

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