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The effects of contaminated water on health – Cover story

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Water is an essential element for human life. It is necessary for survival, health and well-being.

At the same time, when the water we drink is contaminated with harmful substances (even in small quantities), there can be serious health consequences.

Here we want to inform users about potential effects that contaminated water has on health. The goal is to provide useful, up-to-date information that can help people protect themselves and stay healthy.

Types of water contamination

Water can be contaminated by various harmful substances, which can be classified into two broad categories:

Microbiological contaminations: are caused by pathogenic microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses and parasites. Chemical contaminations: are caused by chemical substances such as heavy metals, pesticides, solvents and hydrocarbons.

Effects of contaminated water on health

The effects of contaminated water on health can be different, depending on the type of contamination and the quantity of harmful substances present in the water.

Generally speaking, we can say that contaminated water can cause:

Gastrointestinal diseases: diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, abdominal cramps. Respiratory diseases: cough, bronchitis, pneumonia. Skin diseases: rashes, itching, irritation. Diseases of the nervous system: headache, dizziness, convulsions. Immune system diseases: recurrent infections, autoimmune diseases.

In some cases, contaminated water can also cause more serious illnesses, such as cholera, dysentery, typhoid fever and hepatitis A.

Glossary of diseases typically associated with contaminated water

Diseases associated with contaminated water are numerous and can be caused by different types of contamination.

Here are some more details on the pathologies most commonly due to the intake of contaminated water:

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Diarrhea: This is the most common disease associated with contaminated water. It can be caused by bacteria, viruses or parasites. Cholera: is an infectious disease caused by a bacterium. Typical symptoms are diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal cramps and fever. Dysentery: is an infectious disease caused by a bacterium. Symptoms usually include bloody diarrhea, vomiting and abdominal cramps. Typhoid fever: is an infectious disease caused by a bacterium. Symptoms are typically high fever, headache, muscle and abdominal pain, cough and rash. Hepatitis A: is a liver infection caused by a virus. Symptoms are fever, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, jaundice and tiredness.

How to protect yourself from contaminated water

There are several ways to protect yourself from contaminated water and avoid exposing yourself to risks.

Boiling water: it is the most effective way to eliminate pathogenic microorganisms. In any case, this is an exceptional solution, given that it is clearly not possible to always boil the water we have access to from the tap at home, for example. Treat water with chlorine: Chlorine is an effective disinfectant against pathogenic microorganisms. Use water filters: Filters can remove chemicals and disease-causing microorganisms from water. There are special purifiers and water purifiers who do precisely this type of work. There are various types, capable of retaining the most common pollutants. Buying bottled water: bottled water is generally safe to drink, but you must consider that its cost per liter is significantly higher than that of tap water at home. There are also aspects linked to the production of plastic, and in this case we would introduce the topic of pollution and respect for the environment.

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In summary

Contaminated water can have serious and even serious health effects. It is important to be aware of the potential risks of drinking polluted water and take appropriate measures to protect yourself.

To find out more about the quality of the water you have access to from your home tap, it is advisable to have it analyzed by a specialized laboratory, which will be able to identify all the harmful substances present and their quantities.

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