Home » Covid Lazio, no vax cures: memo hypothesis with costs

Covid Lazio, no vax cures: memo hypothesis with costs

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Covid and no vax, in Lazio the proposal to charge for treatment to unvaccinated patients has created controversy. “I am not sorry, the things I say are considered,” Alessio D’Amato, the Regional Health Councilor, told beraking latest news Health. “The choice not to get vaccinated has consequences – he points out – that are social but also economic and the latter also concern the costs of the National Health Service. let’s think of a memo to give to those who are hospitalized and discharged. The treatments – he remembers – are not skimped on anyone, but the whole community bears costs“.

On the national figure that still sees 3.5 million over 50s not immunized against Covid, “it is a big problem because it is an age group at very high risk of hospitalization if affected by Covid. We must prevent this pandemic from turning into a pandemic. of the unvaccinated “.

School and test

In view of the reopening of schools also in Lazio “we have the majority of the teaching staff vaccinated, over 98%, and also a share in the immunized over 12 bracket, but I invite families who have not yet vaccinated their children to do so. reopening I imagine that some problems will be more or less the same as last year, we in Lazio would have a series of sentinel schools where we will do salivary tests every 15 days, we are talking about an audience of 30 thousand students, 66% in Rome, in order to check for any infections “.

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Vaccination campaign

“Tonight Lazio will reach 8 million vaccinations, 78% of the population over 12. An important result similar to that of European countries. But we must work further to reach 85%, which is why I am in favor of an expansion of the obligation vaccination and I agreed with the words spoken by Prime Minister Draghi on this point. Clear and determined words “. “Increasing the share of vaccinated citizens means guaranteeing greater safety even against the Delta variant – observes D’Amato – but there is also the problem of the hard core of people who have not yet been vaccinated, who are perhaps uncertain or have doubts. that we must implement concrete actions, the Green pass goes in this direction, however, in view of the autumn. I re-launch the appeal, even those who have not yet been immunized must do so “.

“We need to get out of the dichotomy of obligation ‘yes or’ no, Green pass ‘yes’ or ‘no’. D’Amato recalls – if the level to be reached is 90% of vaccinated people aged 12 and over, we must ask ourselves the question how to do it : By increasing awareness of the vaccination campaign, in Lazio we have launched some initiatives such as, for example, giving away cinema tickets to children who get vaccinated in Rieti. We have fielded sports doctors. But – he concludes – if not yet we are at a level of safety, it is necessary to make choices such as that of extending the vaccination obligation “.

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