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The crisis that Momish Medina is going through

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The crisis that Momish Medina is going through

The Renowned nanny to celebrities, Momish Medina, is in a difficult financial situation and used their social networks to face the bad moment. According to the worker, He was going through a season without work, which complicated his current situation.

«Hello people, I am not one to make this type of publication. Today I need your help: I ​​don’t have a job. This season no one requires my services as a babysitter/employee” Momish posted through their instagram stories.

He added that, In addition to being unemployed, “they increased my rent and I have no way to support myself financially. The only solution is finish the roof of one of the rooms of my house, move there and then see how to finish the rest«.

The publication of Momish Medina, the famous babysitter, on social networks.

Due to the visibility of her work as a nanny, Momish Medina has more than 35 thousand followers on her social networks, to whom the woman turned to get out of this terrible moment. There, in another time, The worker had shared her brilliant present as part of various famous families.

Who is Momish Medina, the famous nanny

Momish Medina became popular on social networks after working for numerous famous familieswho hired her for the purpose of care of the little ones during the summer theater seasons.

His career, originally, She began doing household chores for Carlos Paz in Flor de la V’s house, while the now host performed her theatrical seasons. in the Córdoba destination. In it 2011, with the arrival of the driver’s children, Momish became a nanny and worked for more than ten years with his family.

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Time later She was a nanny for Donatello, Noelia Marzol’s first child.in the last theatrical season that the dancer performed in Villa Carlos Paz. Previously, He had accompanied the dancer on several family vacations.

In one of his last publications, during August of last year, It was shown alongside El Polaco and Barby Silenzi. There he had written: “The photo says it all… United and happy family,” referring to the numerous crises that the couple had. during the months that passed.

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